Yes, The Ansem Sentence Is Written Correctly.

Feb 01, 2019 19:13

Just finished my fifth Kingdom Hearts III world: the one with the factory! This entry largely concerns that world but does also refer to the cutscenes immediately following it, and the very start of the optional world that becomes available afterwards (the one you access from the bistro).

Vexen is a man who knows where his priorities lie, and I can respect that. I mean, yes, his main priority is 'performing unethical experiments on children', but still.

I'm really distracted by the fact that Monster Sora isn't wearing trousers. (Cute design, though!)

The villain in the Monsters, Inc. world has the goal of inducing childhood depression? That's a hell of a motivation.

When Mike is trying to operate a control panel, and it isn't responding to his commands:

Goofy: Maybe it'd be faster to just break it.
Sora: THAT'S BRILLIANT (summons keyblade)

It's the only way Sora knows how to interact with technology.

Ventus spoke through Sora, just for an instant, and Sora didn't know what was going on! This is great.

I laughed aloud when Sulley just grabbed Vanitas in the middle of a dramatic monologue and hurled him through a door. (I originally wrote 'Sully' without an 'e' before I remembered that it had an 'e' in the subtitles, and Sully would be the Uncharted character. Victor Sullivan dragging Vanitas off would also have been incredible.)

At some point I really want Vanitas to take his helmet off in front of Sora and Sora to go ?????

Sora learns there are three people inside him. He's known about Roxas for a while; he's just been told about Ventus.

Goofy: Do you have any idea who the third one might be?
Sora: No.
Donald: 'Cause Sora can't count.
Sora: Hey! That's not related!

Sora and Donald are constantly being dicks to each other in this game, and I sort of love it.

I cannot wait for Sora to learn about Xion. I hope he learns all the tragedy of her existence and gets really upset. And I want them to have a proper conversation. And I want Sora to give Xion a hug. Someone has to, and I bet Sora is a great hugger.

Ansem just asked Ansem about the location of a girl Ansem was performing experiments on until Ansem stopped him. Could it be Kairi? She's originally from Radiant Garden. Is the reason she has no darkness in her heart that Ansem extracted it? Is there a Kairi equivalent of Vanitas somewhere?

(My train of thought just before starting this game:

Riona: I should summarise Birth by Sleep so my housemates will be able to follow Kingdom Hearts III.
Riona: Let's see. First there's Ventus, who looks exactly like Roxas but is not Roxas. Ventus was a kid who had all the darkness extracted from his heart, and now the darkness walks around looking like Sora and being a dick to people. Then Master Xehanort, the Xehanort who came before the Xehanort who split into Ansem and Xemnas, tried to turn Ventus into a keyblade, and now Ventus is in a coma and lives inside Sora's heart.
Riona: On second thoughts, maybe I shouldn't try to summarise Birth by Sleep.)


I am looking forward to starting world six whenever I stop drowning in minigames.

kingdom hearts

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