Wants To Take Me Hunting. Hamish, Not The Pike.

Dec 08, 2018 16:28

I've finished Red Dead Redemption II, or at least I've reached the epilogue. (The title card says Epilogue: Part I. This is going to be a multi-part epilogue?)

I sort of feel I've lived another life on top of my own, the good and the bad, the thrilling and the tedious. Red Dead Redemption II has its flaws, but it's a really striking experience, slow-paced and immersive and beautiful and bizarre. It's like nothing else I've played.

Arthur really seems to have a weakness for widows. Mary, Sadie, Charlotte, Mrs Downes, the widow of the debtor who's also named Arthur: I think he feels a connection with all of them, and he's definitely attracted to at least two of them. Maybe I should write a series of crossovers pairing Arthur up with some other fictional widows. Allison Cameron. Abby Griffin. Jackie Tyler.

Spoilers below the cut!

RED DEAD REDEMPTION II KILLED MY GIRL KAY. I was expecting Arthur to die long before he developed tuberculosis, but I wasn't expecting his horse to be killed in an unavoidable plot scene! How could you do this to me, Rockstar?

(Arthur knelt by her side, on the verge of tears, and whispered 'thank you' into her ear, and it was extremely bad for my heart.)

She was such a good horse! She served me so well!

I'm very glad Arthur found out that John was still alive before the end. I thought for a while that he would die believing that John was dead, which would have been sort of awful when John represented his hope that he could do something good at the end. Arthur's life's been a mess, he's caused a lot of pain, but he feels that maybe he can find some kind of redemption if he can give John and Abigail and Jack a chance to live.

After Arthur's death, there's a timeskip and you start playing as John in the epilogue. John, it turns out, has kept Arthur's journal and now writes in it himself.

I really want to know what he thought when he read through it. I want to see the conversation where John asks Abigail, 'Did you know he was in love with you?'

(I'm not sure this epilogue should exist, to be honest; it was really jarring to go from that emotional ending for Arthur (and his horse!) to 'SO NOW IT'S A FEW YEARS LATER AND JOHN'S DOING DOMESTIC CHORES.' I wish the credits had at least rolled first. But at least the thought of that conversation is something worthwhile that the epilogue has given me.)

The best characterisation detail in the entire game: Arthur says, 'My dog Copper used to take baths with me when he was alive,' to the woman bathing him. (She has no idea what to say in response. 'Oh! Well, that's... something.')

red dead redemption, someone should probably write that

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