She's Missing A Tiny Magician. I Suppose We All Are.

Dec 04, 2018 08:08

Major spoilers for Red Dead Redemption II under the cut; I think I'm at the end of chapter five or the beginning of chapter six. Spoilery content warning (highlight to read): terminal illness.

Arthur, I noticed during a couple of routine cutscenes in Red Dead Redemption II, didn't look entirely right; he was a little too pale, a little discoloured. Did he... need a bath? I wasn't sure I'd seen this before.

I checked the menu to see whether it could tell me what was wrong, and it told me Arthur was Unwell. What did that mean? How could I cure that status? The game had never told me this could happen.

On the way to the next mission, Arthur fell off his horse and passed out in the street. I was VERY ALARMED.

A passer-by helped him to the doctor, and the doctor diagnosed him with tuberculosis.

I've been thinking 'please don't kill the protagonist at the end, Rockstar, you know there are more ways to end a game than by killing off the protagonist' all game. I thought there was a good chance Marston would kill Arthur at the end, maybe after a timeskip. I wasn't expecting tuberculosis. I have to admit that killing a game protagonist through illness would, at the very least, be something I've never seen before.

Rockstar's also definitely succeeded in creating a plot twist that hits hard. I woke in the night because I couldn't stop thinking about this. Poor Arthur. He's not a good man, but I love him.

Arthur is, understandably, pretty upset (his writing in his journal entry about this is just a little messier than usual and it breaks my heart), but I'm pleased to report he's still having stupid adventures. The day after his diagnosis, he hijacked a hot-air balloon and shot at a gang from the sky.

Who's going to look after my horse??

Unrelated to that, my new favourite line from Arthur's journal: His first name is Onry, only he spells it Henri.

red dead redemption

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