Shut Up, Murphy.

Oct 28, 2018 22:44

I have some things to say about The 100 episode 3.09, 'Stealing Fire'.

Clarke and Murphy were locked together, for twenty-four hours, while Clarke was emotionally compromised, in a room containing a bed covered in the blood of Clarke's girlfriend. I want such horrible fanfiction.

I had a quick scan of the Clarke/Murphy tag on AO3, but as far as I can tell nobody has written this fic, and I'm probably not qualified to, and in any case I suspect it'd get me in trouble with the fandom, because I've known since long before I actually started watching that Lexa's death is an extremely sore point. (This is probably part of the reason I never got massively into Clarke/Lexa; I knew from the start that it was going to happen and it wasn't going to end well.) Having Clarke bang a guy on the bed she died on would be in very poor taste! I still want to read it.

On the subject of considerably less horrible pairings: Kane, sentenced to be executed, was allowed to have a moment alone with Abby. It was extremely intimate. 'Oh, my God, please kiss,' I said aloud. They were so close. 'Please kiss. I'm dying.'

They didn't kiss. I was filled with despair.

But then they actually kissed later in the episode, and holy shit I had some intense feelings about it. I haven't shipped anything this hard in a while. I think writing fanfiction for them and then seeing them finally kiss later the same day probably magnified my emotions. THEY'VE BEEN SO IN LOVE FOR SO MANY EPISODES.

Kane escaped, which is good! But now he's on the run and separated from Abby, which is less so.

Some beautiful person has uploaded both the kiss and the 'PLEASE KISS, WHY AREN'T YOU KISSING' scene preceding it to YouTube, and, rewatching it, it's only just hit me that Abby's 'I can't do this again' is about losing her husband. My heart! (The Kane/Abby content ends at around 2m45s, when she leaves after the kiss; I'm not sure why the video continues for another minute after that.)

At the end of the episode, when Lincoln was executed:

Ginger: Awww, I liked Lincoln!
Riona: He only had one expression, but it was a good one.

I wasn't supposed to get emotionally invested in this show. This is a very bad show to be emotionally invested in.

the 100, should never be written ever

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