In episode 3.01 of The 100, when Abby is asleep on the sofa in Kane's office, Kane says it's the first time she's slept in two days. How does he know? Have they stayed up for two days working together? Do they live together? It seems possible. (How do living arrangements work in Camp Jaha/Arkadia?) Do they share a bed? Considerably less likely, and tragically it's not likely at all that they share a bed while not being romantically involved and Kane quietly suffers, which is the scenario that would most delight me. (I shouldn't write that fic. It would be so self-indulgent.)
Spoilers up to episode 3.06 under the cut.
written before about why I'm obsessed with kisses by the mouth. They're not a clear-cut romantic gesture, but they're too intimate to be normal if you're not romantically involved! Nobody knows what they mean and I love it. Kane just looks helplessly up at her and asks, 'What was that?' afterwards, bless him.
And now they're not together but they'll be haunted by that moment! This is the perfect outcome. 'They're not actually in a romantic relationship, but everything's a tiny bit too intimate and the possibility of attraction is hovering unacknowledged between them' is exactly where I like my ships to be.
I'm glad there are pleasing ship developments to keep me feeling warm towards this show, because the bad teen decisions may have become slightly too bad even for me. Pike goes 'HEY, WE SHOULD KILL THE GROUNDER ARMY SENT TO PROTECT US JUST IN CASE THEY'RE ACTUALLY HERE TO MURDER US INSTEAD' and Bellamy goes 'YES, THAT SOUNDS REASONABLE.' This marks the third massacre of approximately three hundred people in the show. I don't know what the showrunners have against groups of approximately three hundred.
Come to think of it, Bellamy was actually largely responsible for all three massacres; he was directly involved in the massacres of Mount Weather and the grounder army, and the massacre on the Ark happened because Bellamy's actions had caused them to think the Earth was uninhabitable. This puts Bellamy's bodycount at roughly a thousand. Impressive, even for a The 100 character. (He's also the only character who's responsible for massacres of all three factions: the Ark inhabitants and the grounders and the mountain men. Gotta... catch 'em... all?)
I'm astonished it took six episodes for any members of the 100 to die in season three (I don't think any of them were inside Mount Weather when it exploded). We're now at The 45.
Entirely unrelated:
Riona: I'm going to start a replay of Final Fantasy Eurovision.
Ginger: You're going to what?
Final Fantasy X-2 opening cutscene!)
Ginger: ...You know, when you said 'Eurovision' I assumed you were joking.
I haven't made much progress in my attempt at a replay, but I'm pleased to have introduced that ridiculous opening sequence to my housemate.
A final note: yesterday I attended a friend's work Hallowe'en party.
'Vore is one of my favourite fetishes,' one of their co-workers said to me.