Lovely Scenic Towering Infernos.

Oct 06, 2018 17:38

Still thinking about Life Is Strange 2. It's the perfect game for me and I love it and they need to release the second episode before I explode.

I tried to paint a shot of it, although my painting ended up very different to the original.

I think this is the worst example yet of my recurring 'I'll just paint a nice, calm scene where nothing looks like it's on fire - oh, shit' problem.

I don't know whether my favourite comment on Boundaries is the one that says 'you bleed truth here, you know the characters better than I know half my family', which is very kind but also hilariously intense for a comment on a fic where the entire plot is 'a teenager shows his friend his dick', or the one that just says 'wtf'.

(The outline of this fic I wrote for a potential entry, before I just gave in and wrote it: One of my favourite moments between Sean and Lyla is Sean looking at the dick she drew on his hand and asking, 'Is this how you see a penis? Damn, you should try and actually see one for real.' It's what really made me realise how familiar and comfortable they are; you've got to be incredibly close friends before you can safely make a casual comment like that. I sort of want to write fanfiction where Lyla goes 'well, if you're offering' and Sean goes '????? wait hold on???' and Lyla goes 'WELL YOU COULD AT LEAST SEND ME A DICK PIC' and Sean goes 'LIKE I'M TRUSTING YOU WITH A PHOTO OF MY DICK' and that's how Lyla ends up getting a totally platonic look at Sean's penis while Sean blushes furiously.)

I've now written a full third of all the Life Is Strange 2 fanfiction in existence. I'm not surprised that nobody seems to be writing for it - we're only one episode in, and there's very little scope for shipping (Sean/Lyla is the only viable pairing, really), and there's no scope for femslash at all when the Life Is Strange fandom skews extremely femslash-heavy - but I'm still a little sad about it. Sibling fic! Friendship fic! Fic about Sean helplessly trying to claw himself out of his pit of agony! Come on, guys.

artistic inability, fanfiction, life is strange, on writing, painting adventures

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