All You Said To Do Was Slow Down.

Jul 22, 2018 22:19

This snippet was a scene I originally intended to write for the 'Hank repeatedly kills Connor' fic, but I couldn't work out how to make it fit, so I ended up abandoning the concept. Then someone on
fail_fandomanon posted a 'write a snippet of coping badly' thread and I thought 'oh, maybe I'll write that scene after all!'

Two hundred words. Warning for possibly-suicidal reckless driving.

“Would you like me to turn on the heater? This isn’t a temperature most humans would consider comfortable.”

Hank’s fingers are going numb on the steering wheel. “No.”

A pause.

“Lieutenant Anderson, you’re exceeding the speed limit.”

“You don’t say,” Hank says, pressing harder on the accelerator. He doesn’t glance away from the windshield. “Thank fuck I’ve got you to keep me responsible, Connor.”

The streetlights gleam off the ice on the road.

“It shouldn’t be possible for you to exceed the speed limit,” Connor says. “This model of vehicle-”

“Yeah, I had a friend disable the limiter.”


“Because sometimes I want to take a drive without feeling like I’m in a goddamn straitjacket, that’s why.”

More ice. More ice, more ice, more fucking ice.

“In these conditions-”

“Shut up, Connor.”

“In these conditions and at your level of alcohol consumption, an accident is highly likely. Please slow down.”

“Why do you care?” Hank asks. “You’ll come back.”

A truck looms out of the darkness beside them. Hank slows down, just a little, to keep pace with it.

“You won’t, Lieutenant!” Connor exclaims. “You could be seriously injured! You could die!”

“You’re coming back this time,” Hank says, and he swings the steering wheel.

I feel I may have run out of Detroit: Become Human fic ideas, which is a bit of a shame; I've hugely enjoyed writing all these horrible things for it. In particular, I'm very glad to have opened a new decade of my life by writing noncon android selfcest dismemberment voyeurism fanfiction. I think this was the correct decision.

(I know a few of you might have Detroit: Become Human ideas; if there's anything you'd particularly like to see me write, feel free to throw it my way and I'll see if I can do anything with it. My main area of interest is making Hank as uncomfortable as possible.)

fanfiction, fanfiction (really this time), detroit become human

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