Tonight Is For Our Ghosts.

Jun 09, 2018 17:07

Mike Shinoda's latest song, 'Ghosts', is catchy and fun to listen to and, moreover, has the greatest music video I've seen in my life. I love it. Having done a few music video paintings, I'm tempted to attempt one for this, but, er, I'm not sure it's in my painting comfort zone.

I've picked up my Danganronpa V3 replay again! I'm in Chapter Five, but this entry has spoilers up to the end.

Replaying Danganronpa V3 has thrown into sharp relief how my opinion of some of the characters changed during my first playthrough. In group scenes, I talk to my favourites first, to avoid the risk I'll accidentally progress the plot before I get to talk to the characters I like most. I'm very aware now of how that talking order has changed.

The characters who changed the most in my estimation were probably Shuichi (bored by him at first, hated it when he became the protagonist, but he was my favourite character by the end), Tsumugi (I liked her immediately and now have no interest in her) and Tenko (my least favourite character to begin with, and now I like her reasonably well). I've remained solidly fond of Kaito, though.

Kirumi didn't make much of an impression on me in my first playthrough, but in this one I did her free time events, and they're pretty cute. She's so bad at spending time with someone as a friend; she's compelled to look after them!

Miu's free time events are also delightful, if alarming. I love Shuichi going 'Did Miu... just confess her love to me?' and worrying about what to say to her when he next sees her, and when he does next see her she goes 'ahahaha, why the long face?' and he goes '...oh, I guess I was the only one worried about it.'

I remember thinking, on my first playthrough of Danganronpa V3, that Kaede had a strangely muted reaction to finding Rantaro's body. Her quiet 'Oh, Rantaro...' makes sense to me now. She's not surprised that someone's dead; she's disappointed in Rantaro, because she thinks he's the mastermind.

Kaede isn't thinking that they need to find the culprit in the first investigation. She's always thinking they need to find the mastermind. At this point in my first playthrough, I suspected her of being the murderer (in an unfortunate case of spoiler warnings themselves becoming spoilery, I saw someone warning of REALLY MAJOR spoilers for chapter one and went 'hmm, so something REALLY MAJOR happens in that chapter,' and then pieced it together with someone else saying they were unhappy with spoilery news regarding Kaede), but I didn't think she knew she was the murderer. Replaying it with that knowledge, though, everything she says and thinks makes complete sense. It's extremely well done.

I love Kaito's reaction to Rantaro's death. 'That dumbass! How dare he go and get himself killed? Who the hell did it? I'll friggin' punch you into orbit!' Kaito cares VERY AGGRESSIVELY about everyone.

Chapter Four is still really upsetting. I think Kokichi's an interesting character, and a fun one (I'll always love the fact that he took the important measure of writing all those witty and brilliant posthumous lines for himself while slowly dying), and I don't think he's as malicious as he makes himself out to be, but I'll never be part of the 'Kokichi did nothing wrong' camp, because what he did to Gonta was absolutely horrendous. If he saw Miu's murder attempt coming from before he'd even gone into the virtual world, there were probably ways to avert it that weren't 'manipulate someone else into murdering her and getting executed for it'. And he evidently wasn't sincere in his 'let's put everyone else out of their misery' suggestion, given that he flat-out named Gonta as the culprit at the trial.

His constant insults to Miu sort of got to me on this playthrough, too. Which is a little silly, because Miu is constantly insulting everyone! Maybe Kokichi's insults feel harsher because they're specifically targeting a small handful of people, whereas Miu will just insult everyone and everything in range. Or, you know, maybe Kokichi's insults feel harsher in the knowledge that he'll eventually be responsible for Miu's death.

(Kokichi screaming at Gonta in the fourth trial really got to me as well. You've done enough to this poor boy already, Kokichi! You drove him into despair and forced him to commit murder for you, and he's going to end up getting executed because of it; you don't have to yell at him on top of that!)

Which isn't to say anything's wrong with loving Kokichi, because I'm not a member of the 'YOU CAN'T LIKE THAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER; IT'S MORALLY WRONG' brigade either. Komaeda's one of my absolute favourite Danganronpa characters, and he's also guilty of manipulating people into committing murder, for much less sympathetic reasons than self-defence.

I'm so glad the 'life on Earth has been destroyed' plot point turned out to be fake. The ending of Danganronpa V3 is extremely divisive, but I sort of loved it; it's something different, it slightly lightened a plot that had become far too bleak for my tastes (while still having emotional weight for the characters), and, to be honest, it's hilarious. Also, I seem to have accidentally ended up playing three games about human extinction simultaneously, so I'm glad in at least one of them the extinction isn't real.

Okay, I just saw this Danganronpa V3 fanart-based fanvid, and it's one of the coolest fanvids I've ever seen. (Spoilers for the whole game, and also some messed-up imagery, because, well, it's Danganronpa.)

We're so close to E3! Are we going to get a Kingdom Hearts 3 release date at last? What a surreal thought.

Dontnod is doing a game called Twin Mirror which looks like it's going to contain playable psychological breakdowns, and I do love those, but it's about a traumatised adult. Booooo. I'm only here for traumatised teenagers, Dontnod! You served me so well with Life Is Strange!

dangan ronpa, music, linkin park, painting adventures

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