She's Pulling Her Weapon To Her Side.

Aug 25, 2017 14:18

My first reaction to Uncharted: The Lost Legacy: wow, I'd forgotten how gorgeous the Uncharted games are. This might be the prettiest one yet. There have been so many points where I've just stopped to stare at the scenery for a while.

Early impressions of Lost Legacy below the cut; I'm a couple of hours in. No real spoilers, but some thoughts on characterisation.

In several respects, Chloe feels very similar to Nate: the quipping, the lessons on architecture and history (although she doesn't share Nate's respect for history; priceless artefacts just happen to get destroyed when Nate's around, whereas Chloe will happily destroy them herself if it gets her closer to her goal). There are lines of hers that I could easily hear in Nate's voice.

Nadine: There's no telling how many guys are in there.
(Chloe enters an area with loads of enemies)
Chloe: You want to know how many guys are in here? All of them. They're all in here.

But, even if Chloe feels a little too close to Nate at times, Nadine feels different to any other Uncharted companion, largely because she hates fun and it's hilarious. I love it when she and Chloe snipe at each other. And Chloe isn't a complete Nate clone; one thing that becomes clear about her in Uncharted 2 is that she's more ruthless than he is, she'll do whatever she has to to stay alive and achieve her goals, and she's kept that quality here. Fundamentally, Nate wants to do the right thing. I'm not sure that Chloe does.

My first death in Lost Legacy, before even getting into the first fight, was when I tried to intervene in what looked like an abduction and got shot in the face. Even when I was trying to intervene, I was thinking, 'You know, this would be the right course of action as Nate, but I'm pretty sure I'm playing Chloe OOC right now; she'd judge the situation, conclude helping was too risky and keep to herself.' As it's impossible to progress with the game unless you keep to yourself (you can't prevent the abduction), I suspect my instinct was correct!

The other difference between Chloe and Nate is that Chloe doesn't have a journal that she steadily fills up with stupid doodles. This is a TRAGEDY. I do like that she can snap photographs of the gorgeous settings they visit on her smartphone, though. (If you never get a prompt to take a selfie with Nadine, I'm going to throw this game into the sea.)

My favourite part so far: there's a bit where you're in a car, approaching a section with enemies. You can get out of the car and sneak up quietly. Or, as I chose to, you can just plough the car straight into their midst.

Nadine: Not one for subtlety, are you?
Chloe: Not really.
Nadine: Was this really your plan?
Chloe: Sort of. You don't like it?


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