Sansa And Lunafreya Still Need To Meet.

Dec 07, 2016 15:21

THE BOOKENING TITLE #10: A Storm of Swords, George RR Martin. (I know I said A Song of Ice and Fire wasn't part of THE BOOKENING, but I suppose it makes sense to keep all of my book reaction posts under one tag.)

As much as I'm enjoying this series (I am enjoying it enormously): George RR Martin, you don't have to keep coming up with character names. You can just tell us there were a lot of men trying to hold the fort. We don't have to know that Two-Leg Jerrit was there, and Rykk Crowbeak, and Devyd the Unkind, who kept ducks in his youth and had always found humans disappointing in comparison. You'll never mention these characters again. You don't have to name them. It's okay.

A Song of Ice and Fire is constantly throwing characters together in different ways and then dragging them apart. And in some respects that's great! We'd never have seen Arya and the Hound grumpily travelling together otherwise. And in others it's terrible, because it keeps creating character combinations that I love, or that I find fascinating, and then going 'AND NOW THEY'RE DIVIDED AND MAY NEVER SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN.'

My favourite character combinations so far:

- Arya and Gendry
- Sansa and the Hound
- Jaime and Brienne
- Sansa and Tyrion
- Arya and the Hound

Do you know how many of these combinations are still within speaking distance by the end of A Storm of Swords? Exactly none of them. I'm so annoyed.

But A Storm of Swords introduced three of them, so overall this book gets a thumbs-up from me. (Well, it introduced two, but Sansa and Tyrion's relationship abruptly became a lot more interesting to me in A Storm of Swords.)

I like Jaime a lot more than I was expecting to! When I first saw a chapter from his perspective, I rolled my eyes and thought, Oh, good, another character whose chapters I'm not going to care about. I was so wrong. How much I will care about his chapters when he's not in the company of Brienne, though, remains to be seen.

(I was so, so happy when he went back to rescue her.)

Finally: Lord Frey, that is not at all a proportionate response to someone snubbing your daughter.

a song of ice and fire, the bookening

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