I'm Going To Gently Push Him To Death.

Mar 24, 2015 19:54

Look, self, I know you've been feeling a bit fandomless lately and, don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're becoming enthusiastic about something. But did it really have to be Final Fantasy XV? It's for a console you don't own. It isn't even out yet. The release date hasn't even been announced. We've been waiting for a release date to be announced for nine years. Can't you get enthusiastic about something that's actually, you know, available?

I suppose my only consolation is that, judging from the frankly bizarre amount of fanfiction for this unreleased game, I'm not the only one getting weirdly invested in it. (There are over a thousand works of fanfiction for this unreleased game. I find this absolutely hilarious. If I start trying to write fanfiction for it before it comes out, somebody please stop me.)

The really odd thing is that I can't place why I'm so fascinated. None of the characters have particularly caught my interest yet. I know nothing about the plot. I know the relationship between two of the party members has the potential to intrigue me (Ignis was raised from childhood to be Noctis's bodyguard, as far as I can tell, which could make for all sorts of fascinatingly weird dynamics), but surely that can't be the only reason I'm so caught up in this game.

Oh, no, I've just realised why this has happened to me. Out of curiosity, I looked up the cutscenes in the recently-released Final Fantasy XV demo (called Episode Duscae, because evidently the release of this demo was so momentous an event that it needed its own name). The demo's opening cutscene was just the party waking up and gently ribbing Noctis, who is apparently terrible at mornings. No plot, nothing particularly significant, just some teasing amongst a group of friends who obviously know each other well. That's what got me. In that moment, I was lost.

I'm very interested to see how the small party affects the feel of Final Fantasy XV. Final Fantasy XIII-2 suffered for its two-person party; it was hard to get a good sense of Serah and Noel's personalities when they only had each other to interact with. Final Fantasy XV has four party members, and I think that could work rather well; it's small and intimate, but there's enough room for a good few different dynamics in there. We'll see!

The one thing I can say with certainty before this game is released: the characters' names are ridiculous. So, so ridiculous. One of them is called Ignis Stupeo Scientia, and all the other names are equally stupeo.

On the subject of games that actually are out, I've been playing Assassin's Creed! The plot is far weirder than I anticipated. I was expecting 'you're a historical assassin; do some assassinating!' rather than 'you're a modern-day guy who's been kidnapped and forced to relive his ancestor's memories; do some assassinating!'

So far, I think my favourite thing is the way you can hear passers-by going '??? what the hell is that guy doing?' whilst you throw yourself up the sides of buildings with wild abandon.

I also enjoyed how intimate it was when Tamir was dying in my arms after I stabbed him up. Weirdly romantic murders are my favourite sort of murder.

(Er. In - in videogames.)

final fantasy xiii-2, final fantasy, video, lol fanfiction, assassin's creed, games i've never played, early warning signs of obsession, first impressions, final fantasy xv

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