Or You'll Explode.

Aug 09, 2014 18:08

Watching Free! Eternal Summer is very weird after vast amounts of Supernatural. Supernatural is a deeply depressing show about two brothers desperately trying to hold onto each other as everything falls apart around them. Free!, meanwhile, doesn't get much more emotionally devastating than 'OH NO, RIN AND NITORI AREN'T LIVING IN THE SAME DORM ROOM ANY MORE'.

(Although that was pretty devastating.)

In Supernatural-land, I've now finished the sixth season, meaning I'm well into uncharted territory. I've been spoiled for most of the major plot developments, I think, but I haven't actually seen any of these episodes before.

I was a little worried about the sixth season, because the vague impression I'd got was that most people viewed it fairly negatively. In terms of the relationship between Sam and Dean, though, it's probably one of my favourite seasons (my other favourites in that regard are two and three), and the relationship between Sam and Dean is very important.

I was a bit worried that Sam and Dean would never really be able to repair their relationship after the Ruby-and-Lucifer conflict, but I suppose Sam redeemed himself in Dean's eyes by ending the apocalypse. I think having soulless Sam around made Dean realise how much he missed his brother, too, even more than Sam not being there at all did. Since Sam got his soul back, there's been a warmth in their interactions that I haven't felt between them in a while. I've missed it.

(Speaking of soulless Sam: his horrifying method for drawing a devil's trap in 'Caged Heat' was pretty great. I enjoyed his bloodstained smirk, too.)

The sixth season also sports an inexcusably stupid meta episode ('The French Mistake', probably the most inexcusably stupid meta episode of all time). I'm sorry. I love inexcusably stupid meta episodes. I can't help it. It's because we have no other choice! (I also enjoyed the episode in which everything felt slightly off until 'oh by the way this is a universe in which the Titanic never sank', and the fact that 'And Then There Were None' makes Yeerks canonical.)

With regard to 'Let It Bleed': I'd been spoiled for the fact that Dean would mindwipe Lisa and Ben (spoiled the very day I watched the episode, in fact, with fantastically unfortunate timing), and at first I thought it would bother me. The second Sam pointed out that it was seriously shady, though, I adored it. If the mindwipe had been presented as the Right and Noble Thing to Do, I might have had a problem with it. As it is, though, the show correctly treats it as Dean dealing with things in incredibly unhealthy ways, which is always something I love.

'Frontierland' slightly made me 'ship Castiel/Bobby. I'm not sure that was supposed to happen. (I thought I was joking when I typed this, but in episodes since then I've found myself rewinding and rewatching every glance and touch between Castiel and Bobby, so I suppose I was serious. Oh, dear.)

animorphs, weird pairings, supernatural, free!

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