There's Nothing To Be Zambia About.

Apr 21, 2014 10:41

I've been watching far too much Community. I walked into the pub to meet some friends on Saturday evening, saw a man who looked a bit like Pierce Hawthorne, and my immediate instinct was to go over there and join him because evidently that was where my study group was sitting. It took me a moment to remember that I am not, in fact, friends with Jeff and the gang, to my simultaneous disappointment and relief.

I can't believe my instinct on seeing 'Pierce' wasn't to run away.

Jeff: You want a nice little taste of what you're missing in a relationship with six nutcases?

Jeff: Abed, it's called chemistry. I have it with everybody.

Jeff's text message to the group on Valentine's Day: It might not shock you guys to hear the real reason we had a fight today. Caring about a person can be scary. Caring about six people can be a horrifying, embarrassing nightmare, at least for me. But if I can't say it today, when can I say it? I love you guys.

Oh, dear. The concept of Jeff/the entire study group appears to have settled firmly down in my affections and started building a little nest. Because he's right; he does have chemistry with everyone.

Slightly odd to realise there are now two characters I 'ship with five people simultaneously. The other is, of course, Patrick Jane from The Mentalist. It's five instead of four with Jane because I include Hightower; it's five instead of six with Jeff because I refuse to 'ship Pierce with anyone.

(EDIT: Although I do 'ship Jeff quite a lot with himself. Does that count as a sixth person?)

(Some notes I scribbled down on Jeff/everyone a couple of days ago: Jeff/everyone is a little more complicated than Jane/everyone, because Jeff's relationships with others in the group can be sexual. But to what extent? How do his relationships with individual members of the group differ from each other? On the whole, I don't think he's sexually attracted to men. Does he only have sex with the women, although he's at least a little in love with everyone? Shirley's beliefs might complicate things. Only with Annie and Britta? Only with Britta? I'm actually leaning towards the last for now. Annie is too young and too fucked-up and he wouldn't feel good about himself.

I'd quite like to write fanfiction about this, but it's proving difficult.)

Jeff/Annie is still by far the pairing I'm most invested in, though. Community keeps exploiting that investment in order to play games with my heart, and I'm becoming steadily less able to cope. Episode 3.02, 'Geography of Global Conflict', had a particularly painful scene which I really hope doesn't mark the end of the weird possibly-romantic tension between them. DON'T MAKE PROMISES YOU CAN'T KEEP, UNEXPECTED MUSICAL NUMBER AT THE START OF SEASON THREE.

I realise this sentiment conflicts slightly with my 'Annie is too young and too fucked-up and he wouldn't feel good about himself' note above. I never claimed that my taste in pairings made sense.

(I haven't seen anything beyond 'Geography of Global Conflict'; please don't tell me anything about future events!)

the mentalist, community, patrick jane is in love with everyone

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