One Of The Shows In This Entry Contains A Chihuahua In A School Uniform.

Jan 17, 2013 18:14

I wasn't sure whether I'd ever give the fourth series of Glee a try. I couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for watching it; I just felt apathetic towards Glee as a whole. All my emotional investment had drained away.

Or so I thought, because today I watched 'The New Rachel' and realised I'd forgotten about the one Glee relationship that I'm still ridiculously invested in: Kurt and Rachel are my eternal platonic OTP. I just want them to be friends for ever. Ruining relationships is, of course, the favourite hobby of Glee writers, so I don't know how realistic this hope is, but as long as Kurt and Rachel have the most charming friendship ever I don't think I'll be able to break away from Glee.

Princess Tutu continues to be incredibly delightful and also surprisingly sad sometimes! I've seen up to episode 7. I love the hell out of Duck (I'm pleased to report I've got over the strangeness of actually calling her 'Duck' now, although I'm still convinced that her 'real' name, in the sense of the name by which she'd introduce herself if you met her in real life, must be Ente), and I'm deeply intrigued by the Fakir/Mytho/Rue relationship.

Episode 6, when Fakir was comforting Mytho on the bridge, made me begin to suspect that Fakir cared for Mytho as more than just a possession. Their dynamic is so interesting! (And also so unhealthy!)

Seriously, what is the nature of the relationship between Fakir and Mytho? Does Fakir genuinely believe he's doing what's best for Mytho? Does he care for Mytho as a person or does he have some other agenda? Is their relationship actually sexual or does it just feel that way? (Sometimes they're just hanging out and talking in their room and Mytho is naked on the bed for some reason???) Er, don't answer any of these questions; I'm just wondering aloud.

I was convinced from... more or less the moment we first saw Fakir that he was the mythical evil raven, but I'm starting to wonder whether perhaps I was wrong. Sorry if I misjudged you just because your hair looks a bit like a bird's tail, Fakir. You're still not a terrifically nice person, though.

Here is an odd thing I scribbled down in my notebook late last night:

If you asked Mytho to have sex with you he'd just say 'okay' because he'd have no reason to say no. Don't write fanfiction about this.

Me-from-last-night, if you don't want me to write terrible fanfiction you shouldn't write down your terrible ideas.

princess tutu, fanfiction, strange notebook discoveries, glee, should never be written ever

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