Finally Rectified My Lack Of Pony Icons.

Oct 23, 2011 12:43

I wept madly throughout the entire latest episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ('Luna Eclipsed'), and I'm not even sure why. Princess Luna! I love her, and I now feel really bad for having killed her off pre-story in the Merlin crossover AU I may possibly be writing. Sorry, Luna, but something had to turn Celestia against magic.

(I can't work out what to do with Pinkie Pie in this Merlin AU at all. I've already cast Uther, Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, Gwen, Gaius and the Unhelpful Dragon; what role can Pinkie Pie take? Some sort of town crier? Court jester? I suppose she could be a knight. Or I suppose I could leave her out altogether, but that just doesn't seem right somehow. A universe without all six of the central ponies is clearly the wrong universe.

Incidentally, this is the best idea for a crossover I've ever had, even if I have rather embarrassed myself with gratuitous usage of 'maneservant' puns. It also contains a lot more Rarity than I would have expected myself to write, actually, and I'm having a lot of fun with her. I've become very fond of Rarity recently; I've never disliked her, but I don't think I appreciated before how hilarious she was, and I'm intrigued by the way she manages to be rather self-absorbed but still essentially good-hearted.)

I really would highly recommend giving Friendship is Magic a try. It's a really joyful, uncynical, funny and heartwarming cartoon. Its cast of characters is so delightful that, if you asked me my favourite, I'd have to give you half the central group (Fluttershy! Applejack! Twilight Sparkle! I don't know! And, as my Rarity icon demonstrates, I still totally love the ponies in the other half of the group). Its messages are a bit dubious at times, but it is so fun and so charming that I can look past the occasional 'if you don't like your friend hanging out with her old friend, it's because her old friend is evil and out to get you' moral. Plus, if you feel television doesn't have enough varied female characters interacting with each other, Friendship is Magic contains almost nothing but.

Oh also there are occasional terrifying episodes in which ponies have complete mental breakdowns. BUT OTHERWISE IT'S FILLED WITH JOY.

(Speaking of terror: I was innocently reading the newspaper last night and came across an advert for The Assassin on 4oD, consisting of a picture of Derren and a group of other people staring straight at you with the mouths of mannequins. I did not appreciate that, Derren Brown.

But I think I have to forgive him, because I just came across this amazing video in which he causes a spider to levitate. Truly a remarkable man.)

fanfiction, my little pony, derren brown, fandom recs, video, advertising, merlin, crossovers, on writing

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