Maybe I Should Get Some Sleep.

Sep 19, 2011 21:31

Q: Riona, why have you ineptly manipped John Marston onto Applejack's back?
A: Well, I felt that Applejack fit the Western theme of Red Dead Redemption better than any of the other ponies. I mean, using Rarity would have been ridiculous.

Q: Er, that wasn't exactly what I-
A: Goodness me, is that the time?


- You take the role of John Marston. The government has kidnapped your best friends, which isn't very nice at all; now it's up to you to rescue them, and perhaps find some new friends along the way!

- Ride all six of the central ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! Well, if you can. Fluttershy will hide whenever you're within half a mile of her, Rarity will buck you off if you try to ride her in rain and Rainbow Dash is practically impossible to lasso. Also, be aware that Pinkie Pie's bouncing means you have to play a keep-your-balance minigame constantly when you're on her back. Applejack, however, is a highly reliable steed and has a hat that complements yours.

- Play Horseshoes to your heart's content. Other minigames include hoof-wrestling, the Running of the Leaves and attempting to write a letter about what you've learnt to Princess Celestia despite being only semi-literate.

(EDIT: Wait a moment: I said that the government had carried out the kidnapping. Does that mean that Princess Celestia is responsible? I hope not, because that would make Marston even less likely to write her letters telling her what he's learnt about friendship, and I love that mental image far too much to give it up. Maybe Princess Celestia kidnapped Marston's friends because she felt that it was the only way to make Marston fully appreciate the magic of friendship? If you ever want to see your friends again, Marston, you are going to write those letters.)

- Keep an eye on your honour bar; if it gets too low, the ponies may not want to be friends with you any more. You can increase your honour by doing good things like helping your friends and decrease it by doing bad things like being dishonest or eating the cake Pinkie Pie has prepared for a big party tomorrow afternoon. (Note: although John Marston does carry a lot of guns, he obviously wouldn't dream of shooting them in Ponyville, and therefore there is no button for using weapons. If there were, though, using them would incur a massive honour penalty. Shame on you for even thinking about it.)

crossovers, my little pony, red dead redemption, photomanip time!, what the hell riona

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