'Erik? ...Erik. Erik, The Bedpost Is Clean.'

Jun 29, 2011 21:24

X-Men: First Class Fic Ideas That Seem Good Until You Think About Them For More Than Three Seconds: all the mutants somehow have their powers temporarily reversed.

Yes, Charles is suddenly broadcasting his thoughts into everyone else's heads, and that's potentially interesting, but as it turns out he is the only one with a power that can be sensibly reversed.

Erik is controlled by metal objects. They just want him to polish them all the time.

Whenever Raven tries to turn into someone else, they turn into her.

Alex attracts blades of destructive energy; it is fortunate for him that they are not naturally occurring.

Sean has the power to... be... really... quiet?

Darwin adapts to die, suddenly sprouting gills in the middle of the desert or losing his skeleton when trying to run away from something. Curiously, he manages to survive despite the overwhelming odds against him.

I mean, I do sort of like the idea of Erik screaming with frustration when he wants to kill Shaw but can't tear himself away from polishing his submarine. Regardless: this is not a fic that should be written.

(Of course, there are worse ideas. I'm trying to think of them. CHARLES IS SECRETLY MADE OF METAL AND ENJOYS THE WAY ERIK CAN MANIPULATE HIM. Has anyone written that? I bet it's only a matter of time.


I've just realised that, although I've linked various people to this previously, I haven't yet posted a link in an actual journal entry! Please enjoy wtf r u doin james mcavoy, my very favourite tumblr, dedicated to this ridiculous man and his ridiculous poses.

james mcavoy stares into my soul, fanfiction, x-men, should never be written ever

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