My Zangoose Is Named 'Potter'.

Jun 17, 2011 14:09

I don't feel remotely capable of writing X-Men: First Class fanfiction myself, but it's still quite fun to speculate on stupid AU ideas. Erik and Charles could found Hogwarts together! I thought at first that they might fall out because Erik was uncomfortable with accepting Muggle-born students, but of course that wouldn't work; this is presumably a world in which magic is a genetic mutation and has been hidden by individuals who believe themselves to be alone, so pure-bloodedness/half-bloodedness/Muggle-bornedness wouldn't really exist as concepts. Maybe Charles has dreams of a world in which magic and Muggles coexist, whilst Erik thinks they'll only survive if they create their own community unknown by Muggles, parallel but separate, much like the wizarding world in the actual Harry Potter books.

Also, there should be a Misfits crossover in which Charles recruits the ASBO Five and finds himself completely incapable of keeping them in line. Whenever Erik claims that mutants are superior beings, it's a struggle for Charles not to cast his eyes significantly in Nathan's direction.

It doesn't matter that I can't write any ideas I might have, really, because the best possible X-Men: First Class fic already exists. It is a Groundhog Day-inspired reworking of the beach scene, and it is over here, and it is amazing. Written by amazingly_me and highly recommended.

Also, I'm obviously totally biased about this because it was written for my prompt, but here is a fabulous little work of Erik/Raven(/Charles) smut in which Charles is a guilt-ridden psychic voyeur and it is everything I could have hoped for and more. (Bit selfconscious about confessing to the prompt, but I thought I'd better be honest about the possibility of bias; besides, if I'd posted the rec on its own there would have been the possibility of someone scrolling down to the OP's response and going 'hang on, this abundance of italics looks awfully familiar', and I'd rather unmask myself than be unmasked.)

Today, I spent quite some time searching for a male Seviper in Pokémon White just so I could nickname it 'Severus Snake'.

Well, 'Sev Snake', because sadly 'Severus Snake' wouldn't fit within the character limit. But you and I know what I meant.

I have absolutely no right to be this pleased with myself.

film, fic recs, misfits, fanfiction, x-men, harry potter, crossovers, pokémon, apparently i may have a sexuality, someone should probably write that

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