I've Asked You Not To Reveal That About Me On Camera.

Jun 12, 2011 19:49

My mind is currently doing that thing where it immerses itself in one fandom and then gets confused when I try to read fanfiction for another. Have you ever tried to read Brooker/Mitchell fic when both Charlie Brooker and David Mitchell are played by James McAvoy in your head? It's a very strange experience.

The theme of this entry is 'MICHAEL FASSBENDER (who plays Erik in X-Men: First Class) AND JAMES MCAVOY (who plays Charles) BEING PRECIOUS IN JOINT INTERVIEWS'. It is a theme with plenty of material.

If you have seen X-Men: First Class, you may wish to watch these and see the actors being adorable! If you have not seen X-Men: First Class, you may wish to watch these anyway and use the adorability of the actors to determine whether you should watch X-Men: First Class. (Hint: you should.)

Fassbender sings a song for Erik and Charles; McAvoy collapses in giggles. No spoilers for the film. If you watch only one of these videos, make it this one; it's only eighty seconds long.

The cast tease each other about hand gestures and crossdressing. Contains a couple of clips from the film.

McAvoy and Fassbender discuss merging into a flying distributor of love (from the 5.20 mark; the link should take you straight there). The entire interview contains some extremely spoilery clips from the film, but there are no spoilers from 5.20 onwards.

Also, have a McAvoy-Fassbender GIF I can't seem to stop watching (from this interview, which contains spoilery clips from the film). Only just managed to refrain from posting it without a cut.

Fassbender: The human race, as it stands, seems to be predominantly destructive ... So that's unfortunate, and hopefully there will be a shift in consciousness and we'll have to start, you know, loving each other more.

help help they are too cute and I don't know what to do.

british comedians, film, fanfiction, video, charlie brooker, mitchell and/or webb, x-men, james mcavoy stares into my soul, early warning signs of obsession

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