Brick, Brick, Brick, Brick, Brick, Brick, Brick, Brick (It's Fun).

Nov 17, 2010 18:47

I was on a train for a while today, so I decided to play a game I've seen around on LJ before: put your music player on shuffle, then write a ficlet for each song that plays. You have only the time frame of the song itself to write; when the song ends, finish your sentence and move on.

Below are the results! The length of each song is in brackets after the song name. Obviously, having been hastily scribbled down in the span of a few minutes each, they're not great works of literature, but I had fun with them. May have to try this again.

Waterloo Road: Silent Hill 3 - Breeze in Monochrome Night (1.07. THIS IS CLEARLY NOT LONG ENOUGH TO WRITE ANYTHING, SONG, HOW DARE YOU BE SO SHORT.)

step. step. step.

It's no use, he knows. Izzie isn't here. She isn't anywhere.

But he wasn't there, was he? He never saw her body. He only has Jack's word for it.

Waterloo Road: Virginia Gentlemen - Mercy Street (6.34. The version to which I was listening had a couple of minutes' silence at the end; I cheated a bit by continuing to write until the song actually changed.)

She's been looking out of the window all evening. Her eyes are open - Tom can see that from her quarter-profile - but it's as if she's asleep.

He almost doesn't want to speak. It seems cruel to wake her, with what the world's done to her (to all of them) of late. But this is life, and it's not just going to stand still and let them get back on their feet.

"Chlo," he says.

She hears him - he sees her fingers twitch slightly in response - but she doesn't turn around.

"I need to talk to you."

"You don't have to be here," she says, barely audible.

"But I want to be."

She turns around at that.

Final Fantasy VIII: Our Lady Peace - One Man Army (3.22. This one's short because I couldn't think of anything to write until almost the end of the song. I therefore like to imagine that Zell is blasting this song at extremely high volume, and then at the end in comes Quistis.)

"Wow," Quistis remarked. "Did that punching bag do something to you?"

"Shut up," said Zell.

Final Fantasy VIII: The Beatles - Help! (2.18. Alter the lyrics to 'When I was young, oh, not much younger than today/I needed lots of help but I refused to say' and this song would be Squall all over.)

"Hey," Rinoa says. "Want to tell me what you're thinking?"

Squall hesitates. "Not really."

She laughs. "What a surprise. Well, call me if you need me."

"Wait," he says, when she's on her way out of the door. "Don't... go."

Rinoa smiles.

Final Fantasy X: Chrono Trigger, Will Buck - The Dark Before the Dawn (OC ReMix) (6.50)

"So," Tidus said. "Zanarkand, huh?"

Yuna nodded. "It's... not the same as you remember it, is it?"

He laughed a little. It wasn't funny. "Nothing like."

They looked around at the broken slabs of stone, the pyreflies teeming in the air. He'd found his way home at last, and it had been completely destroyed.

More than that. He'd found his way home at last, and he'd learnt that it had never really been his home in the first place.

"Don't do it," he said.

"I have to."

"You guys are all I've got left."

She looked away. "I'm sorry."

Glee: Gackt - orenji no taiyou (9.10. I can't speak Japanese, so here I was guided more by sound than by lyrics.)

"I feel like any moment I'm going to wake up."

Blaine laughs, trailing his fingers along Kurt's arm. "You're not going to wake up."

Kurt wakes up.

"I just think we should spend more time together."

Blaine blinks. "Kurt, we've spent every evening for the past week watching musicals together."

Kurt feels himself blushing. With any luck, the massive amounts of concealer he's employing will mitigate the effect slightly.

"I mean, it's not that I don't like you," Blaine says, holding up his hands. "It's just that it's an illogical argument. You don't even need to make it, anyway; like I'm going to turn down the theatre."

"I love you," Kurt says, fervently.

"Okay," Blaine says.

There is a tiny pause.

"Okay?" Kurt repeats, feeling a little bit as if he's about to die on the spot.

"Oh, fine," Blaine says, and he sweeps Kurt into a kiss.

"We're going to need to talk about this," he adds, when he's released Kurt.

"Okay," Kurt says, dazed. "Whatever you want. Just maybe we can have that conversation when I'm not concentrating so hard on staying upright."

Top Gear: Gravitation (oh dear) - Sleepless Beauty (3.12)

"Shhh," Jeremy says. From the expression on Hammond's face, it's a possibility that he doesn't sound quite as soothing out loud as he does in his head. "Go back to sleep."

"I can hear drilling," Hammond says. "Why can I hear drilling? What are you drilling?"

Some people obviously don't understand the value of a lovely surprise. "I've improved our tent."

"Our..." Hammond suddenly sits bolt upright, presumably having realised that said tent is no longer in his line of vision. It is now several feet away. "Jeremy, our tent is on fire."


silent hill, fanfiction, final fantasy x, final fantasy, glee, top gear, crossovers, final fantasy viii, fanfiction (really this time), waterloo road

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