Like Brave New World, But With Slightly More Focus On Healthcare Over Eugenics.

Aug 31, 2010 09:09

Sorry if you saw the song entry before I made it private! It occurred to me a little after posting it that it was essentially an injoke that none of you were in on, so it didn't make much sense to post it here. Also, posting a video of myself singing made me feel horribly egotistic.

So, having removed an entry due to the worry that it might appear egotistic, why not do something unambiguously egotistic and open the comments up for an anonymous 'tell me what you think' session? (I haven't done this for two and a half years, which I hope is an acceptable inter-egotism period.) I'm switching IP logging off for a couple of days; if there's something you'd feel uncomfortable saying to me with your face on, now is the time to communicate it. If you have a complaint about something I could conceivably change, I'll try to keep it in mind (to kick off the complaints, I'm going to say 'for goodness' sake, self, you really need to stop putting responding to fanfiction off and putting it off and putting it off until you forget about it entirely'); if you want to say something nice, I'm certainly not going to complain; if you simply have a request you'd feel uneasy making under your username (for example, 'I think you should write NC-17 Dr Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus fanfiction with spanking'*), I'll consider it.

You may also talk about people on my flist, if you like, but if you do I ask that you say only positive things about them, because they didn't sign up to be criticised. Or just anything you'd like to anonymously get off your chest, although I should warn you that I'm a bit rubbish at being sympathetic, not because I don't feel sympathy but because I lack a) the ability to express it, and b) tact.

Anonymously comment away!

* I would be unlikely to write this, even were you to request it. Sorry.

audience participation, phineas and ferb, should never be written ever

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