Cameron May Have Been Sending The Daggers.

May 22, 2010 12:35

A couple of nights ago, I dreamt that I was being attacked by flying daggers in Middle-earth because I had slept with Nick Clegg.

I just thought you should know.

(I mean, I should clarify, that my sleeping with Nick Clegg resulted in the attack in the dream-world, not that sleeping with Nick Clegg in real life caused the dream.)

A few months ago, I made an entry about zarla's original characters for the Left 4 Dead games, female versions of the Smoker and Hunter zombie types; I'd never played the games in question, but I had fallen in love with these characters. Since then, she's drawn a lot more about them; you can find it on her Left 4 Dead tag or on this page, although that hasn't yet been updated with this entry, which brings in jazaaboo's OCs, female Charger and Jockey. I was afraid I might resent Charger and Jockey for getting in the way of the Hunter-Smoker dynamic, but it turns out that I love them as well. Hooray!

I've started thinking 'in the world of Pokémon, Smoker would be perpetually followed by a Koffing or two' or 'ooh, what would their Hogwarts houses be?', and then getting annoyed because they are original characters and as such do not have a real fandom.


Hunter is absolutely-no-question in Gryffindor. I think Charger might be a Gryffindor as well. Jockey is probably in Hufflepuff. Smoker is a bit trickier than the others; maybe, maybe a Ravenclaw? Or perhaps she turns out to be a Squib and becomes the caretaker, BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY ALL SQUIBS BECOME THE HOGWARTS CARETAKER, THIS IS CLEARLY THE RULE, smoking in the corridors and resenting the students, until Hunter befriends her. Ooh, this could explain why Smoker is still at Hogwarts when Hunter is there, because she's a bit older than Hunter. Although it doesn't really explain the presence of Charger. Perhaps Charger could be the Care of Magical Creatures teacher?

I'm thinking far too much about this. THIS ISN'T EVEN A REAL FANDOM.

In slightly less obscure news, th_esaurus has pointed me towards this incredibly gorgeous map of the TARDIS. Take a look!

zarla, doctor who, we all love hearing about dreams right?, left 4 dead, harry potter, politics, pokémon, crossovers, games i've never played

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