The boiler is now functional! On the one hand, when the sitting room was the only warm room in the house, my subconscious was making up for the discomfort of sleeping on sofa cushions by giving me awesome dreams in which I hung out with Robert Webb and David Mitchell and the former gave me a piggyback ride and the latter accidentally adopted seven kittens. On the other, oh my goodness central heating is amazing.
(Actually, scratch the dream-related regret: I wrote that last night, and since then have dreamt a Supernatural episode in which Sam, Dean and (Cortese's) Ruby were travelling together in Scotland. They bantered! Dean spent his time throwing darts at a picture of Ruby on their hotel-room door, invoking Ruby's scorn ('It's not even a good picture')! Ruby kissed Dean just to mess with his head (and rather to Sam's discomfort)! It was wonderful.)
A confusing fact I have just realised about myself: in my head, Bradley James' name is 'Bradley Angel', a misconception probably carried over from when I was only peripherally aware of Merlin and thought the 'Angel' people were talking about was probably the blond chap, on account of the angelic way in which his hair glowed when lit from behind. That's right: I assumed that Bradley's parents anticipated his halo-esque hair and named their child accordingly. When I see people talking about Colin/Angel, I always think for a moment that they mean Colin/Bradley. Bradley/Angel, of course, conjures up delightfully odd mental images.
Whilst I'm being disjointed, HERE IS A LINK TO SOMETHING AWESOME:
Homestuck, the latest MS Paint Adventures story. For those unfamiliar with the concept: Homestuck is an animated webcomic done in the style of a text adventure, using suggestions for actions from readers, and it is hilarious and well-plotted and frequently incredibly cool. The pages with music are particularly amazing. And the children have so much character! (Rose is my favourite.) Be aware, however, that it is quite long.
A quick note: I'm a term into my final year of university now, and in four months I'm going to be handing in twenty-two thousand words on which my degree depends. I may be around slightly less as I try to get these words written (or slightly more, as I turn to the Internet for comfort and sanity-preservation, but the plan is to be around a bit less). You did NaNo five years ago, Riona; yes, quality and research are slightly more important now, but you still have four times as long to manage less than half the wordcount. This is totally possible.
where doing it man.