I Like Not Being An Invertebrate.

Nov 26, 2009 11:55

At the moment, I am re-reading Emma for my Jane Austen course, and I think 'Mr Knightley seemed to be trying not to smile, and succeeded without difficulty upon Mrs Elton's beginning to talk to him' has to be one of my favourite lines ever. You are awesome, Jane Austen. I wish you had a Livejournal.

You know who would be great in Silent Hill? Catherine Morland of Northanger Abbey. On some strange level, she'd love it. (On most levels, of course, she'd be absolutely terrified.)

Is there a single sibling relationship in Revolutionary Girl Utena that isn't vaguely incestuous? Bizarre. I was going to say 'well, Kozue and Miki's relationship seems to have at least the potential to be healthy when she's not Black Rosed up and trying to kiss him', but then I remembered the way she dates boys he'll disapprove of just to get his attention and kisses his neck or whatever it was she was doing whilst he's sleeping and, no, the Kozue-Miki relationship is still unhealthy and verging on incest. It's just slightly less unhealthy than Nanami-Touga and Akio-Anthy.

Oh, Utena.

(I really, really liked Miki's freakout at the almost-kiss. I think incest in fiction interests me most when one person is saying 'pfft, this is fine' and the other is going 'NO ACTUALLY THIS IS REALLY REALLY REALLY WRONG'.

Why do I have particular preferences regarding fictional incest? This is your fault, fandom.)

My housemate invited me to watch an episode of Spooks last night. This somehow led to the following exchange:

Riona: Do you find the idea of Richard Armitage being waterboarded strangely erotic?
Riona's Housemate: ...I'm not going to answer that.

I enjoy this household.

In more Tales of Riona's Housemate: a couple of weeks ago, a Facebook matchmaking application recommended a rather alarming-looking man named 'Steven' to her.

(Riona and Riona's Housemate are at the computer, looking at Steven's picture.)
Riona's Housemate: He looks like the sort of bloke I'd run away with.
Riona: ...
Riona's Housemate: ...RUN AWAY FROM.
Riona: (never quite stops laughing)

crossovers, jane austen, conversational adventures, silent hill, university, utena

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