Wha-- What Are These Australians?

Nov 05, 2009 12:07

I almost added this into my previous entry, but I felt I was editing it a little too much, so I'm saying it here instead. In The Mentalist: Revealed:

Robin Tunney: Every guest star that comes on, I say, 'Hey, when you meet Simon, tell him that your mother thinks he's a real fox.'

Owain Yeoman: We'd say to the guest stars, 'You may feel like the air conditioning is broken. It's not the air conditioning; it's just Simon's on the set, and it's the heat. You're feeling the heat. You're being baked by the Baker right now.'

I think I may possibly be a bit in love with this cast.

(There's something a bit sad about the shift in one's perception that occurs when watching a series after having seen the actors out of character, though. Patrick Jane seems more real before one sees proof that this Simon Baker fellow really exists. CLEARLY PATRICK JANE IS BAKER'S AMERICAN TWIN. Ooh, or Baker is Jane's secret identity.)

New personal canon: when Patrick Jane comes up with a particularly brilliant way of catching a criminal, he has been known to kiss his reflection in the mirror. Cho has a video of this on his mobile phone. He occasionally threatens to use it as blackmail, despite knowing that Jane doesn't really care who sees it.

Lisbon is adorable in 'Red Badge'. Adorable! I wish to give her many hugs. And it is such a lovely Jane/Lisbon episode (he strokes her haaaair)!

'Life is a game,' says Jane. I think that sounds rather Luxord-ish, don't you?

I think what we must conclude from this is that Derren Brown is the Heartless, Luxord is (obviously) the Nobody, and Patrick Jane is the original human. It's just sad that Jane doesn't have the physical resemblance Brown and Luxord have, because otherwise this theory works perfectly. (Well, and his name isn't 'Rould'.)

Red John is totally going to turn out to be Luxord.

Whilst I'm in smalltext, it's time for another edition of Confusing Things I Have Discovered In My Notebook:

they're Lisbon and the Jane
yes, Lisbon and the Jane
one is a genius
but also insane
they're with the CBI
an agent and some guy
they're Lisbon; they're Lisbon and the Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane

I... I don't know.

the mentalist, crossovers, poetry, derren brown, strange notebook discoveries, implausible theories, kingdom hearts

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