Yesterday, I went to Thorpe Park with
neobubble and
Colossus (hisssss) completely buggered up my back, to my distress. The thought occurs that it may have been angry with me for killing its brethren in Shadow of the Colossus. This seems a slightly disproportionate punishment. THE COLOSSI ARE COMPUTER-GENERATED, COLOSSUS. MY BACK PAIN IS VERY REAL.
As it was the first ride we went on, the back injury sort of limited my ride options for the rest of the day, alas. But it was still a lovely day; I drank hot chocolate and ate ice-cream and had wonderful company, and
neobubble and
meisalliam managed to get
pretty much the best rollercoaster picture ever. Spending time with you guys was easily worth the entrance fee.
My back still hurts today, but I've regained the ability to look up and I'm not quite as hunchbacked as I was last night, so with any luck I won't have permanently damaged myself. I suppose I'll see a doctor if the pain hasn't gone by the end of the week.
On Monday,
th_esaurus and I went to watch District 9 (verdict: mostly good, but flawed in several respects). I spent half the film inexplicably convinced that Christopher was a female alien whom the humans had assumed was male because the aliens did not have secondary sexual characteristics.
I have no idea why I thought this. (Spoiler: he is not, or at least he wasn't intended to be.) Possibly because there was a general dearth of female characters and my mind was trying to redress the balance? I do hope it wasn't just because he had a child; that would be a dreadful assumption.
(Seriously, where were the women in that film? There were, if I recall correctly, three - the wife, the mother, the documentary lady - and they had perhaps five minutes of screentime between them. How bizarre.)
Every day tempted to Twitter something like 'I just killed someone!' to see what happens. Dangerous toy.
Derren Brown, I adore you. And, of course, if he actually does kill someone and Twitter about it now, nobody will believe him. How very cunning.
(Post-Control the Nation, a thought: Derren Brown doesn't need any ropes for bondage. Hmm.)
A couple of nights ago, I dreamt that
lo0o0ony_lauren and I were staying with Derren Brown at his enormous mansion. I fell down all his many stairs and then failed to be impressed by his correctly telling me things about my house because I couldn't remember any of them myself. Everyone laughed at my rubbishness. LOOK, I MIGHT EXPECT THIS FROM DERREN BROWN, BUT YOU GUYS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIENDS. I EXPECT AN APOLOGY THE NEXT TIME YOU SHOW UP IN MY DREAMS. Yes, all right, I was quite rubbish.