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Sep 04, 2009 15:09

Finally pulled together the courage to play more Metal Gear Solid! (Metal Gear Solid requires courage to play not because it is terrifying, like Shadow of the Colossus, but because I am so humiliatingly bad at it. I need to erect protective shields around my self-esteem before attempting this game.)

I am now just past the torture scene. (At which, by the way, I totally rocked. YOU'LL GET NO SUBMISSION FROM ME, OCELOT. Thank you, GF-boosting; you have made me a master of repeatedly pressing buttons.)



- AND THANKS, MANTIS, I KNOW I'M A POOR WARRIOR. YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME. THAT'S JUST RUDE. (Only three Game Overs in an hour of gameplay! I'm improving! ...sigh.)

- So Psycho Mantis feels a bond with Solid Snake because, if I am interpreting him correctly, Snake is asexual.

I am not certain that I am interpreting him correctly.

(Actually, at first I interpreted how creepy and sexual Psycho Mantis was being when he was working through Meryl as a test of Snake's character, but now the thought occurs that 'asexual' may not be quite the right word.)

- Psycho Mantis must really hate 'shippers. I bet he's always posting to fandomsecrets saying 'I JUDGE YOU IF YOU PAIR CHARACTERS UP JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE HOT/THEY'RE FRIENDS/THE CANON TELLS YOU TO'. Then he writes eighty thousand words of incredibly filthy Snake/Meryl and claims it's an ironic exercise.

Oddly enough, he's never made an 'I JUDGE YOU IF YOU PAIR UP ENEMIES' secret.

- I knew the technique for fighting Mantis already, probably due to TV Tropes. On the one hand, that's a bit of a shame. On the other, I swear I would never have worked it out myself. Is there any indication at all that that's what you should do?

- 'Other people just complicate my life. I don't like to get involved.'

Wow, Snake, you should hang out with Squall sometime. Although admittedly 'a shared interest in not getting involved with other people' is possibly not the best basis for a friendship.

- Snake and Meryl's reflections do not show up in the incredibly reflective floor of Mantis's room. This is probably due to technological limitations, I realise, but it is slightly unnerving, all the same.


- Oh, dear. I had no trouble killing the wolf-huskies on my first trip through the caves, and then the puppy gambolled around and sat near Meryl with little hearts coming out of its head, and now I just have to run past them and hope they don't eat me. Blast. I am too soft for this game.

- Dear camera: are Sniper Wolf's pixellated breasts really that interesting? (Sniper Wolf is sort of awesome, though.)

- English accents, despite my Englishness and ridiculously RP pronunciation, sound really odd in videogames. I'm just not used to hearing them there. I'm always pleased when they show up, but there's always a moment of 'Wow, what a fascinating accent! Where is that - oh. Oh. Yes, that's how I pronounce things, isn't it?' (That's assuming it's an RP accent, of course, but when an English accent shows up in a videogame it usually is.) Liquid's accent was rather well-done, but the pronunciation of 'sample' tipped me off to the fact that it was not the voice actor's natural accent.

Speaking of voice acting: I learnt yesterday that Basch fon Ronsenburg's voice actor also voices Bloo of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

I have seen only one or two episodes of Foster's, but this revelation still made me laugh really, really hard.

Last night, I dreamt that I was in the body of the Squall-smitten author of the Final Fantasy VIII self-insertion to which I linked a couple of entries ago, showering with the author herself, who was in the body of Squall Leonhart.

Perplexing! (Does this mean that Squall's consciousness was in my body?)

metal gear solid, final fantasy, we all love hearing about dreams right?, language, weird pairings, crossovers, final fantasy viii, final fantasy xii

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