Rambling? As If.

Aug 12, 2009 18:01

I had forgotten that there is a battle during which Axel fights alongside you! That was pretty awesome.

...I had also forgotten how sad Axel's death was. Oh, Axel.

Sometimes I can't believe Disney is associated with this series of games. 'THESE CREATURES HAVE NO REAL EXISTENCE, SORA, YOU CAN KILL THEM WITHOUT QUALMS oh, wait, here come Axel and Roxas and Naminé, looks like those people you've been killing are more than empty shells after all' doesn't really seem very Disney. Essentially, they Disneyfy it by having Sora display regret over Axel's death but no guilt for his previous (and, indeed, subsequent) Nobody-killings (seriously, Demyx didn't even want to fight), which reflects badly on Sora. Don't worry, Sora; I know you feel guilty, even if Disney can't show it for fear of making young children aware of the full import of their actions as players.

Demyx, Axel, Larxene, Roxas and possibly Zexion were the only members of Organization XIII (should I call it 'Organisation XIII', because I'm British, or 'Organization XIII', because 'Z' is a more evil-looking letter than 'S' and that's the spelling that appears in the subtitles? 'Organixation XIII' is a possible but silly compromise) in whom I really took any interest before this playthrough, but now I am beginning to notice the others. Xigbar is quite fun, isn't he? And I am sort of intrigued by Luxord, although we see very little of him. (Does he or does he not look disconcertingly like Ansem the Wise?)

Luxord's fight is tremendously irritating, though. 'What? What does "Get four 'O' commands" mean? Can't you explain it a little more clearly?' 'NO. NOW YOU ARE A DIE.' (Note for those unfamiliar with Kingdom Hearts: this is not a misrendering of 'NOW YOU DIE'. Sora is, in fact, turned into a die.)

...hang on.

Luxord has a goatee.

Luxord fights using playing cards.

Luxord, although his voice is not quite the same, speaks with a south-of-England accent.

Luxord takes pleasure in words ('a veritable maelstrom of avarice'!).

Luxord has a general air of smugness.

I think I may have realised why I'm taking an interest in him this time around. (And I just tried drawing Luxord's hair onto a picture of Derren Brown, but the result was too alarming to display openly on my journal. If you feel like traumatising yourself, here is the link. (Here, for comparison, is a picture of Luxord himself. The eye colour differs, obviously, but Nobodies generally differ somewhat in appearance from their corresponding somebodies.))

Oh, dear. I can't write that fic about Drexern if Derren has a canonical Nobody, can I? (You know Derren would amuse himself by turning people into dice and cards if he could, too.)

crossovers, derren brown, photomanip time!, what the hell riona, kingdom hearts

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