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zeitheist July 10 2009, 19:41:25 UTC
The next series of Torchwood, the Torchwood team consists of Jack, Gwen, Rhys and Gwen's baby. The baby is more competent than the rest of them combined.


I haven't seen this series of Torchwood yet (I'm recording it with Sky+), but I want to play the hypothetical Torchwood team game, oh yes I do. In my hypothetical S5, Jack Harkness is given reinforcements by UNIT, in the form of scarily competent UNIT operative Jensen Ackles. Like most scarily competent UNIT operatives, Jensen is unruffled by Jack's attempts to flirt with him. This makes Jack sad in the face, but sometimes he wakes up on his desk and somebody's thrown a blanket over him in the night, which is nice. Jack also ends up recruiting one Misha Collins, who got caught trying to hack into UNIT's database, started working for them, and spent most of his time fucking with people (both literally and metaphorically). He is a man after Jack's own heart. Oh! And obviously Jared starts working for them, although idk how. He has no prior experience in ( ... )


rionaleonhart July 10 2009, 19:47:01 UTC
Oh my goodness, is there any chance you'll actually write this? Because I need Jack Harkness/Misha Collins. It hadn't occurred to me before, but now that you have introduced the idea I need it desperately and immediately.

(Every other part of this idea is similarly amazing, but nothing can quite match the sheer insane brilliance of Jack/Misha.)


zeitheist July 10 2009, 19:59:25 UTC
I know! I basically want Misha Collins and Jack Harkness to occasionally hook up, and Jack will be all worried about what Misha expects from such a liaison, and the fact that he's sleeping with another employee, etc etc.

Misha: You know, casual sex is actually quite beneficial. Lowers stress levels, raises endorphins, that sort of thing. If we weren't all so sexually uptight, we'd probably be a lot less unhappy, as a nation. As long as you do it right, there's no reason why everybody involved can't have fun.
Jack: Had a lot of casual gay sex, have we?
Misha: Pshh. Labels.
Jack: *_____*

I totally have visions of Jack walking into the Hub one day, seeing Jensen patching up one of Jared's wounds in the med bay, and stopping to stare. Because, seriously: when did that happen? Misha looks up from his game of Minesweeper/eating an apple, follows Jack's gaze, says "... twenty dollars Jared makes the first move", and then goes back to the screen.

(I actually signed up to write CWRPS in rpf_big_bang, but I don't think this would count. I MIGHT STILL ( ... )


hold_onhope July 10 2009, 20:57:47 UTC
THIS is the most brilliant thing I've seen in a long time.


zeitheist July 10 2009, 21:22:00 UTC
I legitimately want to write it, now. I feel like Misha Collins/Jack Harkness is something that needs to exist.


rionaleonhart July 10 2009, 21:50:49 UTC
Do it do it do it do it. (Surely it would count for the Big Bang! Is there some sort of rule against awesome?)


zeitheist July 10 2009, 22:03:54 UTC
The Master giving me the thumbs-up makes me nervous. :(

I've just signed my own death warrant checked, and I think it might count for the Big Bang: as long as Jensen/Jared is the "main" pairing. I was going to write a lot of it from Jack's POV, though, so I think maybe that would disqualify it?

... ah, screw it. I'll just write it anyway. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for Jack Harkness/Misha Collins.


dracothelizard July 11 2009, 16:34:50 UTC
Crossovers with fiction are allowed, otherwise me and my Top Gear/Burn Notice crossover as in trouble.

From the FAQ post:

2. Is it okay to use a fictional 'verse?
This was the amended rule #2. Yes, you may use the fictional 'verse as well as the characters. However, the main pairing/characters must be real people.

3. Are crossovers and AUs allowed?
Yes. They are welcomed and encouraged.


dracothelizard July 10 2009, 19:52:17 UTC
Now there's a fun RPF AU plot!


zeitheist July 10 2009, 20:07:04 UTC
Just think: all that and saving the world from hostile aliens! It's a winning combination!


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