Oh, Rhys, Don't Tell Me You're Reading That Vampire Book Again.

Jul 07, 2009 22:00

...all right, guys: we've now had two episodes of the Torchwood 'Children of Earth' miniseries, and both of them were good.

I don't quite know what to do with myself.

(Two good episodes of Torchwood! In a row! I am even more surprised because it is a storyline spread over multiple episodes, and I think the two-parters in Doctor Who tend to be quite weak. But, no, apparently an ongoing storyline was exactly what Torchwood needed!)

When Rhys suggested that they name the baby Edward, my first thought was 'Rhys is a Twilight fan?'

I am actually a bit sad that that was not the reason, because, now that I think about it, he totally would be. Every so often, when he is in a particularly romantic mood, he quotes passages from it at Gwen. She is not impressed.

Speaking of Gwen: she is being really awesome! The only reason I ever really disliked her was because she treated Rhys so badly, and now she is going on the run with him and pleased about her pregnancy and they are bickering and it is marvellous. Now that their relationship is apparently happy and good, I can forgive Gwen her mistreatment and enjoy her awesomeness, and it turns out there's quite a lot of it. (I also enjoy the fact that a pregnant woman is getting to kick so much arse. It's not something I've seen very often.)

Rhys is still totally my favourite character, though. I may have been saddened by the loss of Tosh and Owen, but if it means we get more Rhys I can't really complain.

(I occasionally mistype 'Tosh' as 'Toph'. We should also have more Toph, obviously. She would have been able to Earthbend Captain Jack right out of that concrete.)


Speaking of Ianto's family, I love that Torchwood made us think 'oh, for goodness' sake, they're going to give Ianto an abusive father, as if Torchwood didn't have enough ridiculous angst already', and then turned around and said 'SURPRISE, HE JUST PUSHED HIM TOO HARD ON THE SWING'. Well done, Torchwood; you had me for a moment.

I wonder what will happen to Torchwood after this mini-series. The writers had already killed off a third of the cast before it began; now they've lost the car and blown up the Hub. Either they're planning big changes, or they're planning to end it entirely by the end of the week.

More immediately: I wonder whether they can manage three good episodes in a row.

I did miss a couple of bits in the middle, because I was somewhat distracted by one of my brother's friends getting stuck in the laundry chute.

(Oh, I've missed being home.)

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