These Are My Clothes, Which I Normally Wear On Me.

Jul 03, 2009 20:39

apiphile has had what I think is a rather lovely idea: write out a poem and leave it lying around for strangers to find. The poem, Poem For The Person Who Finds This Poem, is here, if you'd like to get involved yourself.

(Poetry and I haven't really got on for most of my life, and I always assumed that this was because I simply wasn't a poetry person, rather than a case of not yet having discovered the right poet.

As it turned out, apiphile was the right poet, and I am heartily in favour of spreading her words around.)

I really haven't been able to write lately, which is distressing. I suspect this may be because I have developed an interest in too many things lately and cannot settle on one fandom.

In an attempt to remedy this, I am going to steal a prompt table from 1sentence and write a little bit about everything that is clamouring for my attention, in the hope of clearing some space in my mind for a longer work.

And if it doesn't work, well, at least I'll have written something.

(As this isn't actually for the community, I reserve the right to exceed one sentence should I feel the need.)

I've filled twenty prompts below; I may or may not attempt the remaining thirty later. Organised by fandom, rather than prompt number. Fandoms represented are DN Angel (a tiny bit), Derren Brown, Silent Hill (in a crossover with Derren Brown), Kingdom Hearts, Merlin, Death Note, Top Gear, Iji (is there even an Iji fandom?) and Hetalia. Also, sos_your_face appears in one of them.


10. Weddings

Satoshi was a very, very quiet best man.


8. Whiskey and Rum

Derren had been so sure his effects had relied on psychological techniques, rather than genuine psychic ability, but he had started to notice that, when he was drunk, people began to do extremely nice things for him without his so much as looking at them. This worried him.

13. Bias

Derren had heard tales of Silent Hill, but it presented him with no real trouble. The creatures he saw stayed well away. The maps he found, with directions scrawled in what appeared, admittedly slightly worryingly, to be blood, led him to the closest this decaying place had to 'pleasant scenery'. The threatening graffiti across which he occasionally stumbled seemed rather half-hearted and usually ended with a 'love ph xx'. It was almost as if the town liked him.

17. Belief

"My techniques work because you think they're going to work," Derren explained, which may have been true but didn't make Sophia any less a ferret.


24. Quarrel

"Wha...?" Hayner mumbled as he blinked his eyes open. He was lying in some kind of... clearing, surrounded by plants, and the sky was blue, and he didn't know where he was but it definitely wasn't Twilight Town. "Where - why am I here?"

"Because you suck," said Seifer's voice.

Hayner tried to get up so fast he banged his head on the large rock behind him and passed out again.

When Hayner regained consciousness for the second time, Seifer was squatting on his heels in front of him, looking at him with a smirk beneath which there was very little real amusement.

"Okay, two questions," Hayner said, holding a hand to his head and sitting up slightly more carefully than he had before. "Where am I, and why am I stuck here with you?"

"Don't know, and that's 'cause I'm just that unlucky," Seifer said. "Looks like there are tents over there, though, so I'm gonna find out where the hell this is. You can just knock yourself out again or whatever."

(And thus began Seifer and Hayner's journey through all the worlds Sora and company visited in Kingdom Hearts II.

It was awesome.)

41. Nowhere

If they were each one half, Roxas thought, looking at the crystal flower, who decided that Sora was the one who got to exist?, and then--


27. Jester

All right, Merlin was sure this wasn't one of the 'official duties of the prince's manservant'.

42. Neutral

"She thinks she can beat me in a duel," Arthur says. "Morgana! Can you believe it?"

"I have no part in this, sire," Merlin says, quietly increasing the weight of Arthur's armour with his mind.


28. Jousting

"Oh, come on, it's more fun if you choose 'Random'," Ryuk pleaded, but Light just selected Fox and won the Smash Bros tournament again.

30. Just

"The world is eating itself alive," the young man who looked like Light murmured into Light's ear, trailing a hand down his arm. "You have a right to change it. No; you have a duty."

33. Stupidity

"Really," L said, "it wasn't that difficult to work out. Tailor's death told me that you were in England, but far more important in narrowing the field of suspects was the fact that you targeted only people in the automotive industry, and the number of victims who wrote 'RICHARD HAMMOND WHITENS HIS TEETH' before dying."

37. Soliloquy

Light was halfway through his monologue about how perfectly the amnesia plan had worked and how brilliant he was before he came down from the rush of returning memories and remembered that he was still handcuffed to L, who was listening to his every word with great interest.


34. Serenade

The Volkswagen employees had no idea what it was; it sounded like an entire fleet of cats being strangled with the tails of other cats. All they knew was that the noise stopped whenever they lent the Veyron to Top Gear. They'd never have allowed them to borrow it so many times otherwise.

(Also see 33: Stupidity (Death Note, above))


40. Solitary

She walks out onto the surface of the ruined Earth, and she sees nothing to rebuild. The clouds scrape across an orange sky, and the rain burns her arms, and nothing else moves.

Dan is beside her, she thinks, but she is too afraid to turn her head and check.


6. Whimsy

Well, it didn't really do any harm if Italy wanted to keep his pet - what did he say it was called? - 'Magikarp'. Germany just hoped he would stop encouraging it to attack the Allies, because it was even less helpful in that regard than Italy himself.

18. Balloon

"No, it'll work!" Italy insisted. "It'll make a really scary noise, and then America will run away and leave us alone!"

And then the balloon popped, and Italy yelped and leapt to hide behind Germany.

Germany had foreseen this, but this made it no less exasperating.

25. Quitting

The vegetation around them rustled - Italy whimpered and clung to Germany's arm - and then a figure stepped into the light of their campfire.

"I surrender!" Italy cried immediately, prostrating himself at his feet.

"Thank you," Japan said, perplexed, "but that's not really necessary."

47. Valiant

Well, Germany thought as Italy ran squeaking in fear away from England, he had shown admirable bravery until the enemy had actually appeared.

49. Victory

All things considered, the Allies did not make hugely efficient alien hunters, but at least they were better than Torchwood Three.

50. Defeat

"It'll be all right, Germany," Italy said, leaning against Germany's side, and Germany absently rested a hand on Italy's head and chose not to mention that he was very rarely correct.

silent hill, derren brown, iji, top gear, crossovers, merlin, weird pairings, pokémon, death note, dn angel, fanfiction, whoctor do and other anagrams, poetry, fanfiction (really this time), hetalia, kingdom hearts

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