I Think Henry's Green Cousin Is In The Attic.

Jun 29, 2009 17:29

It is time for another edition of 'Strange Things I Have Discovered In My Notebook'!

Here is a test to determine whether you are Derren Brown.

Poll Oh, may as well make this interactive.

Also, the phrase 'bedding hurdles' is written in this notebook with no context whatsoever. I have no idea what it means. Hurdles that double as bedding? Hurdles one must traverse when attempting to set up a bed? The act of bedding a hurdle?

I was discussing Derren Brown's potential Pokémon with hippyjolteon after Enigma, because I was wondering what he would have were he an actual Pokémon owner, rather than a man to whom a Jigglypuff simply happened to have attached itself (my goodness, my personal canon for this man is odd). We eventually concluded that Derren Brown has an Eevee. Everyone expects it to evolve into an Espeon, but it ends up an Umbreon.

...and now I find myself wanting to pair him up with Ruby of Supernatural, purely on the grounds that they would have the same Pokémon.

These are very poor grounds. Both of them would just spend the entire time fighting for the psychological upper hand.

Actually, I'd really like to see some Derren Brown het. This is typical: I'll happily slash away most of the time, but give me a canonically gay 'character' and I immediately want to pair him up with the ladies. Why so contrary, Riona?

(Bela, of course, has a Persian.)

On a note unrelated to absolutely anything else in this entry: why has nobody yet created Hetalia-style personifications of the Avatar nations? Somebody needs to do that. Then they can come to Earth (er, somehow), and the Water Tribe can befriend Lithuania, because it would be cute. Germany, meanwhile, can do... something. I don't know. He just has to be present, because Germany is my favourite.

(England is probably my second favourite, but can I be sure whether that's because of his character in Hetalia or just because he's England? Is there a general tendency to prefer one's own country in Hetalia? I'd make a 'who's your favourite?' poll, but a) I have very few Hetalia fans on my flist, and b) so many characters.)

supernatural, derren brown, strange notebook discoveries, harry potter, polltime, weird pairings, pokémon, crossovers, avatar, naus, hetalia

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