Those Aren't Vikings; They're Team Rocket.

May 28, 2009 18:56

Last night, I stayed with th_esaurus, which was thoroughly delightful. We played silly Pokémon games and rewatched the first Pokémon film (in which the moral is, apparently, 'Pokémon shouldn't fight'. Hmm), and we concluded that L would have a Porygon. (Light has a Banette, as illustrated, but it is visible only to those who have touched the Death Note. Alternatively: a Gengar.)

She also showed me quite a few things relating to, ahem, the Jonas brothers. I concluded that Nick should be a woman and Kevin should have a Death Note. YOU WILL REGRET NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM, WORLD. Of course, as th_esaurus pointed out, everyone would suspect Joe, so in the end Kevin's plan to make himself noticed through murder wouldn't really work.

Before we went to sleep last night, we had the following mildly horrifying conversation:

RD: Do you actually 'ship Light/Light in a serious way?
Riona: If I could think of a plausible way for Light to meet himself, I would leap upon it immediately. I don't just want some cracky 'oh, there are two Lights now' thing; I want it to make sense. I am ridiculously serious about this stupid pairing. I think it's the most believable one in Death Note.
Riona: I'd prefer it if there were two of him, but I would happily read fanfiction in which Light just masturbates whilst thinking about how great he is.
RD: ...I'm a bit shocked to hear you say that.
Riona: I was a bit shocked to realise I was thinking it.

Death Note has obviously done some very bad things to me. Seriously, though, I cannot 'ship Light with anyone but himself. I cannot think of any other character for whom I can believe in only one pairing.

I suppose that makes Light/Light my first OTP, then.

Oh, dear.

(kadrin actually wrote Light/Kira commentfic for me, because he is amazing.)

In the 'It Just Bugs Me' TVTropes page for Death Note (beware of clicking; TVTropes is an endlessly fascinating Internet black hole and you may be trapped there for hours), which consists mostly of musings on the minutiae of using a Death Note:

Suppose "Steve Jones. Heart attack. Eats a cookie and finishes the milkshake he put in the freezer last night before collapsing on the floor," was written in a Death Note. Before Steve can do any of this, Daniel Plainview drinks his milkshake. Does Steve still eat the cookie before dying?

I laughed until I wept, and I don't know why. I think it's just the fact that people have actually thought about these things.

Tomorrow, I am off to Birmingham for the 'Asylum' Supernatural convention! I have never been to anything remotely conventionish before, so this is to be a new and perhaps slightly frightening experience.

th_esaurus has suggested that I turn up in a Jeffrey Dean Morgan mask. This, I am sorry to say, is probably unlikely.

film, fic recs, crossovers, conversational adventures, weird pairings, pokémon, jensen's prettier than your average guy, death note, jonai, what the hell riona, fanfiction, supernatural, photomanip time!, my lj friends are real people apparently, asylum, lol internet, should never be written ever

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