A Note On Police Brutality...

May 11, 2009 22:04

I haven't really been talking about this series of Ashes to Ashes so far, but I am enjoying it very much. And I have things to say about this episode! Time to say them!

- Alex's behaviour towards Jackie in the early part of this episode was annoying me quite a lot, and that worried me. After disliking Alex for the first few episodes of the first series, I came to really like her (forgiving her for not being Sam Tyler was probably a necessary step), and I was afraid that my opinion of her had regressed. However, after Jackie (rather awesomely) revealed that the child was not Gene's, Alex quickly regained my affection. Just stay away from other potential love interests for Gene, Alex, and we should get along famously. (Should Sam Tyler turn up, however, you are welcome to hang around him. In fact, you and he could even have sexual tension. Think about it.)

- If Gene has a son, he wants to name it after himself. This delights me.

I actually have a bizarre craving for fanfiction about Gene Hunt raising a child, now. I have never read babyfic in my life, and yet something about Gene Hunt makes me want to see how he would cope as a father. I cannot decide whether he would be wonderful or terrible. Probably both. He would have a daughter, and he would adore her, and he would start beating up paedophiles twice as hard, and I would go 'awww' because, in a disturbing and violent way, it would be a symbol of his fatherly love.

On a vaguely-related note: I didn't make an entry about last week's episode, but I wanted to mention that I really love how furious Gene becomes when a child is hurt.

Seriously, I need to see Gene with children.

- When Gene said 'I forgive you', my immediate thought was that Gene/Mac is the equivalent of Doctor/Master. There are certainly a number of similarities, but I think that I prefer Doctor/Master overall.

I also prefer Gene/Alex. JUST SHAG, YOU GUYS, SERIOUSLY. I seem to recall thinking they had no chemistry whatsoever when Ashes to Ashes first started. Whoops.

- I really like that there are references to Sam in this series. This episode even mentioned Annie! (Please come back at some point, Sam and Annie. I love you.)

ashes to ashes, weird pairings, doctor who, life on mars

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