I Should Probably Rewatch Some Tenth Doctor Episodes.

Feb 12, 2009 10:53

The night before last, I dreamt that I came across a YouTube video of Derren Brown playing Kid Harpoon's 'The Milkmaid' on the ukulele I sent him. Rarely have I been more disappointed to realise I was only dreaming ( Read more... )

fic recs, doctor who, fanfiction, derren brown, we all love hearing about dreams right?, derren for companion, we don't need no photomanips, ukuleles, whoctor do and other anagrams, crossovers, pokémon, life on mars, what the hell riona

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clo February 12 2009, 16:11:21 UTC
I am fairly certain that at least some of you will be tempted by this.

You rec'ing this is directly responsible for me spending my entire afternoon reading it. And no doubt shrieking incoherently with joy over future updates until my family (if they don't already after this afternoon) write me off as certifiably crazy. Just so you know. ;)

It is so freaking awesome. So awesome that I almost forgot to flail over the idea of Derren Brown as Doctor-Companion which is equally awesome. Your journal brings all the shiny awesome.

...Possibly I've been gleeing over fic for too many hours and I should go now before I glee over you too much. But. Just wanted you to know. Awesome. Yes. :DD


rionaleonhart February 12 2009, 16:22:59 UTC
I am so ridiculously pleased that you like Damaged People, because it is so huge and epic and amazing and far too few people know it exists. Seriously! Jack and Sam and time travel and hopping across fandoms! Why isn't everyone reading this fic?

So, yes, I am glad that I could introduce you to it!

I am also pleased that you like the Derren-and-the-Doctor duo, because they make me so happy that I can barely keep myself from squealing aloud when I think about their time-travelling adventures.


clo February 12 2009, 17:57:22 UTC
I have no idea how it's apparently missed my entire flist but you. It even covers nearly every fandom on there right now (it just needs to hit Merlin and not one single person on my flist will have any excuse to skip it). I'm going to rec it like crazy. And go read the parts I haven't yet so I can squee like mad some more. :DD

Derren-as-companion would be the best companion ever. Aside from his terrifying could-totally-rule-the-world-side, his massive dork side would go so, so well with the Doctor's massive dork side. They would be massive dorks across time and space!

...One day we should aim to rule the BBC and make this happen. Clearly the world would be better for it.


rionaleonhart February 12 2009, 18:31:31 UTC
(I don't think draegonhawke watches Merlin, but moogle62 does, and so Derren and the Doctor may be ending up in Camelot even if Sam and Jack do not. Just so you know.)

I actually caught myself thinking with thoroughly ridiculous levels of sadness earlier about the fact that Tennant is ending his run as the Doctor, and so we will never see Derren Brown as his companion. IT WAS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN ANYWAY, BUT IT STILL MAKES ME SAD. Still, at least we've got that episode of Trick or Treat!

And yes regarding their massive dork sides. I love them so much!


clo February 12 2009, 18:47:31 UTC
(*flails* There is NOTHING that can not be improved by randomly ending up in Merlin's Camelot, even the most awesome of Doctor-Companion fics, so I'll be watching gleefully in case that happens. :DD)

BUT IT IS SO AWESOME, EVEN THE THOUGHT OF IT IMPROVES EVERYTHING. It would've been fantastic. You have no idea how excited I was when I heard The Tennant was going to be on Trick or Treat. I checked the summary of every episode the week before, hoping, until it came up with David Tennant and I flung myself at the TV gibbering with excitement. You've seen the end of that series haven't you? With DT on the spacehopper?

The Dork Side is irresistible. It's so hilariously cute. :D


draegonhawke February 13 2009, 18:16:17 UTC
I HAVE ADDED MERLIN TO MY NETFLIX QUEUE. Of course, it's not actually... available... but as soon as Netflix adds it to its stock of DVDs, I shall have it!

...hi. I stalk Riona's posts. ^^


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