You're Taller In Person.

Nov 10, 2008 16:23

How did I survive without Supernatural? The world is so much better now that I know Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are mocking each other and being dorks and falling asleep on the sofa together somewhere in it.

This entry is going to be all about how cute Jensen and Jared are. Because they are. They are so cute. (DID I MENTION THAT THEY LIVE TOGETHER? I THINK IT IS HIGH TIME I MENTIONED IT AGAIN.)

Here is the gag reel for Season Three of Supernatural! I love it despite the appalling 'who's/whose' error. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST DORKS EVER. (1.20 to 1.50 is just thirty seconds of mocking the 'shippers. This amuses me. And Jared spends so much time being silly that I'm amazed they ever manage to finish a scene.)

I think I've linked a few of you to this individually, but I've never actually mentioned it in an entry: here is an interview in which Jared spends the whole time talking about what a huge crush Jensen has on him. It is marvellous. I love that Jensen and Jared clearly know that people on the Internet speculate about the two of them being a couple, as evidenced by Jensen's response to being hugged by Jared ('That's not gonna be on any websites tomorrow', and then, when a fan advises him not to let Jared stand behind him, 'Yeah, none of that'), and they don't get angry or try to suppress it; they just give the fans ammo.

Speaking of ammo-providing! Jensen comes on stage at a convention wearing a Sam Winchester shirt and threatens to wear it on the plane with Jared. Jared attack-hugs Jensen when he's trying to promote Supernatural. The tale of the Eyelash Incident, which I've linked to before but am linking to again because it never fails to improve my day.

Here is a collection of amusing clips from an interview apparently conducted during the first season (the first two minutes are just introductions; you can skip them). If you don't feel like watching the whole thing, here is the clip of Jared going in for a kiss.

This fanvid is more Sam and Dean than Jared and Jensen, but it makes me smile anyway, and as this is supposed to be an entry of day-brightening I thought I'd throw it in: I'm Yours. Look at how happy and smiley they are!

speakfree has an amazing collection of Jared/Jensen pictures and quotes over here.

And, er, I thought I might be able to get through this entry without linking to the 'Jensen & Jared Are In Love' video, but it turns out I can't.

I hope this has made you smile! If it hasn't, well, more smiling for me. (And if you feel like posting your favourite Jared-and-Jensen pictures and moments and video clips in the comments, I would totally be okay with that.)

supernatural, spreading the joy, jensen's prettier than your average guy, video

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