Other Themes: Possessed Cars. Women On Fire. The Brothers Almost Getting Killed.

Feb 12, 2008 15:40

I have now watched the pilot episode of Supernatural! My profound and important thoughts:

- SAM AND DEAN'S PARENTS ARE CALLED JOHN AND MARY. This obviously means that they are the children of Dr. Watson and his wife. Mary Watson certainly died young, didn't she? Yes, all right, their surname is Winchester, and they're not British, and Supernatural is set about a hundred years after Holmes and Watson were off having adventures, but these are minor incongruities. Having Sam and Dean be in some way related to John Watson would make a bizarre sort of sense. Because, you know, tracking down criminals and demon-hunting are basically the same thing.

- That scene in which the Impala is driving along with one broken headlight to loud driving music made my mind immediately leap to Withnail and I. Dean would, I suspect, be Withnail. Although I don't imagine that particular duo would be quite as good at hunting demons as the Winchester boys are.

- It was probably a mistake for me to start reading Supernatural fanfic when I was still only just getting into the show, because now I keep getting confused between what actually happened in an episode and what was just in this fic. (Incestuous overtones - wanttobeatree linked me to it as part of her apparent evil plot to get me into Wincest - but bloody good, even if you're not a particular incest fan. It asks the question 'what if only one of the two is interested in sexualising the relationship?', and the answer is just heartbreaking.)

- Sam is adorable, isn't he? Adorable. And I'm already recognising a 'BAD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN THE WINCHESTER BOYS ARE NOT TOGETHER. BAD THINGS' pattern. Of course, bad things frequently happen when the Winchester boys are together, but not quite to the same extent.

fic recs, crossovers, supernatural, withnail and i, early warning signs of obsession, holmes and watson: they fight crime!

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