Jan 21, 2009 12:31

Ugh... so bored and just plain fucking tired of looking for work. I wish I was Hispanic so I could get a job somewhere. But that's America for you. The pie is just out of reach for the poor Caucasian male.

So last week I ran out of my meds. It's funny how my psychiatrist is just as lazy as everyone else.  Instead of just signing a piece of paper as I walk in the door or, hell, just faxing a piece of paper to a Walgreen's pharm which takes no time at all, they had set up an appointment for a week later.  And what's truly epic about this is that she's told me time and time again NOT TO BE OFF THE MEDICATION FOR ANY PERIOD OF TIME.  So it's been five days off an extremely dangerous psychiatric drug, I'm still getting those 'brain zaps', I've been nauseous and loopy ever since day one off the drug.  I just wish I could move on from all this shit, start over with a clean bill of health and new life, but it's not gonna happen.

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