Adding extra options to NPC and Career Outfit Templates

May 22, 2018 00:08

aka an extremely sloppy and vague tutorial aka why am I so bad at communication aka I'm sorry TT^TT

Prior SimPe knowledge probably required

Before you start

***IMPORTANT*** If the default career/npc outfit has a hat/hair assigned, your new outfit option must also have a hat/hair (or use the same one). If the default career/npc outfit doesn't have a hat/hair assigned, your new outfit option can't have a hat/hair. You can get around this, but it requires a whole 'nother tutorial and I can barely explain this one. Maybe in the future!

-But if you want to add outfits without hair to maids or vampires, you can use the files found in my NoMaidHair and NoVampireHair downloads

-You can use both Maxis outfits/hair or Custom Content outfits/hair. But if you choose CC- make sure to remove your mod if you end up removing the CC from your game!

-It is safer to try this on interactable NPCs only (aka the ones that can move in). I have done it with non-interactable NPCs before and it worked, but I don't know what the long-term potential for corruption is. So I'd suggest avoiding the "dangerous" NPCs (unless you like living on the edge)

-If you are like me and keep too many windows open at the same time and space out a lot, I recommend you set your objects package to read-only mode so you don't accidently start typing in it instead of your own file @__@

-Click on the images if you want to enlarge them

-Please forgive any spelling errors, for some reason there's no spellcheck to catch my dumb mistakes...

Open the objects package in your latest EP/SP. It will be found under TSData > Res > Objects

Click on Object Data (OBJD)

Sort by Name

Scroll down to the "O" section for "Outfits". Above you can see some of the Career Outfit Templates

And this is what the NPC outift section looks like. Sometimes it will be confusing because either the names are weird or it looks like there's two files that fit the description of what your looking for. You might have to do some exploring/experimenting to find the right one.

I will be using the Dorm Cook (aka LunchServer). Click on your chosen career/NPC and then click the resource tab at the bottom. Copy the Group number.

Go to the "Filter Resources" tool and paste the group number in the group field, then press set.

Click "AllRes" on the lefthand side. You should now see all the files that belong to your group number.

Now, open one of the Age Data files in Plugin View. You should see the age and gender listed somewhere inside.
You can learn what numbers relate to what gender and age over at Almighty Hat's simple SimPe tricks
The file pictured here is for Elder Females.

Write down the instance numbers of each Age Data (this one is 0x00000001) and what age/gender they contain.

As you can see, this Age Data is for a different age- 0x00000040 aka Young Adult. This is the uniform students use when they work for the cafeteria. I'm going to skip this age to save time in this tutorial.
Sometimes you will see Age Data for genders/ages that your NPC can't spawn as. I don't know what their purpose is, so I just skip them. Feel free to do those as well if you want though.

Sort by instance to see what 3IDR goes with what Age Data- they will have the same instance. There may be some 3IDR files that do not have a corresponding Age Data. I don't know what they're for, but you will not be needing them. However, you should write down the highest instance 3IDR (0x0000000A in this case)

Extract the Age Datas and their matching 3IDRs for the ages/genders you want. You can save them in a folder for better organization.

Open a new file and right click. Choose "Add..." and select the files you extracted.

This is what it should now look like.

Click "Save As" and pick a name for you file.

Click on your first 3IDR and click on the Resource tab. Change the instance to one number higher than the highest instance 3IDR you wrote down earlier (it was 0X0000000A so I will change it to 0x0000000B) Please note these go by hexadecimal, not regular numbers. There are converters you can find online if you're unsure of what to put. Change the instance of the corresponding Age Data to match. Commit!

Repeat for you next Age/Gender, but one higher. (in this case, 0x0000000C)

Write down the new instances for each age/gender.

My file now looks like this. SAVE!

The next step depends on whether your new outfit is by Maxis or Custom Content. I will be showing Maxis, but a quick rundown for CC:
-Open the recolour you want to use
-click on the property set (GZPS)
-Write down the Group and Instance Numbers

As for Maxis:

Open the Scenegraph Resource Finder and do a PropertySet Search for the outfit you want.

Double click your outfit in the search results, then go to the Resource tab.

Write down the Group and Instance Numbers. A lot of Maxis meshes will have the same group, so you may only need to copy the instance. If you're working on an outfit with a hat/hair, you will need to find the numbers for that as well. Make sure to label everything so you don't mix up the numbers for the hat and outfit!

Repeat this search for the outfits you need for the other ages/genders and write them down (again, make sure you label them!)

Open your mod file and click on your first 3IDR. Make sure you're in Plugin View. Look at what you wrote down earlier to remind yourself what age and gender this 3IDR is for.

Inside the 3IDR will be a list- try to find the line that contains a name that sounds like the original outfit (in this case it's efbodyapron_clerk). Click on it.
(Sometimes this will look like a huge mess with extra lines for the opposite gender or random casual outfits. You don't have to do anything with those, just look for the work outfit!)

If it's correct, the picture that appears on the right side will be the texture of the original outfit. Above this picture are two fields with a Group number and an Instance number. Replace these with the Group and Instance numbers of your new outfit. Commit! If multiple lines contain the original outfit name, you will need to replace all of them too.

Your image on the right won't update automatically, but if you click on another 3IDR, then click back to this one and go to the line you changed, it should refresh. If you replaced it with a Maxis outfit, the new texture should appear. If you used a CC outfit, the image will be blank.

If your outfit has a hat/hair, find the line containing it, and replace it's group and instance with the ones for your new hat/hair. Commit!

Repeat this process for all other genders/ages and then save your file. Put your file in your downloads folder- it's time to test it out! (Create a test hood if you haven't already!)

For the purpose of testing, I removed Pescado's anti-redundancy so I could see what three cooks would spawn naturally (since sometimes I notice the NPC & Townie Maker gets... stuck... generating the same thing over and over compared to when they naturally spawn) In my first round of testing, I got two female clown cooks and one male default cook.

I wanted to make sure the male clown outfit was working, so I plopped down a buttload of stoves to generate even more cooks. A male clown appeared! (only one compared to the bunches of default male chefs tho >_> Whatever the outfit selection script is, it sure does hate me!)  It's important to keep generating NPCs until you see your new outfits are working properly for all the ages and genders. Which depending on your luck and how many options there are, might take a while...

For work outfits, I like to make a house full of sims of various ages/genders and cheat them all into the same career. Usually most of the variants will show up but if not I make a new house and try again.

Very Vague Misc. Tips:

-Exisiting NPCs may end up wearing your new outfit!

-Removing your mod will set everyone back to the default outfit(s).

-If everything is in working order, and you want even MOAR options, go back to your file and start cloning the Age Data and 3IDRs for each age/gender. Keep increasing the instances for each and replace the Groups/Instances with new outfits.

-I don't know if there's a limit to how many options there can be, but I know you can have at least 4. This is the number of colours the BV Housekeepers have and I was able to have four outfits for my hogwarts school uniforms. Please let me know if you try 5 or more and if it works :D

-I doubt you could make so many to even get that high, but DO NOT use instances 0x00001000 or 0x000041A7 when creating your new options. They are already in use for other purposes.

-You can straight up replace the outfit worn instead of adding more options- basically a default without actually default replacing the original outfit. Do the entire process the same except DON'T change the instances.

I probably wrote this in the most confusing way possible x__x
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