"Smart" synchronous interpreter // Now you will understand each other

Sep 24, 2017 15:56

How often in a foreign country, there is a language barrier, a kind of misunderstanding. If you are in the country for a long time, or if this language is important for you, you begin his study. However, not everyone is capable of learning languages, sometimes there is simply no time at all. In addition, in distant corners of the planet, the people do not know English.
Therefore, an "intelligent" synchronous interpreter will be an excellent assistant for travelers: a small device with a microphone and a column (and headphones) that should be attached to the clothes on the chest or hang around the neck.
Relying on existing speech recognition technologies and electronic communication mechanisms for communicating texts, the interpreter could virtually, without delay, translate what the person says and translate his answer to the interlocutor, that is, would help dialogue communication.
In addition, the translator could be used (with headphones) in the perception of the monologue text: when watching films, visiting excursions and theater in an unfamiliar language.
The essential features of the device are small weight, ergonomics, and a powerful battery, the ability to write speeches, the ability to download different pairs of languages and update existing ones.

#studyuk, english language, конкурс

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