Feb 26, 2007 13:06
So, this last week has sucked.
On top of a massive four month spree of suck I totalled my car thursday.
On Saturday I went to go and release the car to Van Collision. I figured "time to change my luck!" and put on a pimpin' suit, my fedora, and a smile. I took me madre's car and drove to the tow lot. Problem was, I couldn't find the place.
The other problem was a screwdriver in the middle of the road.
So the car suddenly jumps, and starts making this rapid fire BANG sound... like a machine gun without the cracking sound.
I pull over and there's a screwdriver hanging out of my backleft tire.
2 hours waiting for roadside to come fix it. The guy said he'd NEVER seen a screwdriver hanging out of a tire before.
After that I went home, and then went to a play called Epiphania. It was pretty sick. A few of the cast members were hitting on Matt and I, and because we were the ONLY two people dancing outside of the cast, they all started dancing with us and whatnot. It was great. The got the spirit of the rave scene down pretty well in the play. They used Myspace and Youtube to their full advantage, hit the government conspiracy elements most ravers tend to believe in (lol), and had one of the better scene DJs jockey it.
Other than that...
well, the rave was decent. I honestly expected more of it... Brandon didn't open up the courtyard, which is usually the #2 stage at an icehouse rave... not to mention a great chill spot because it's big enough and open enough that it isn't too loud. Saw alot of Rocky people around from BOTH casts, saw alot of old friends that I'd been neglecting, and ended up at a kid who I used to know from Manzanita Hall at ASU's house for an afterparty.
Slept most of sunday. Nothing really to speak of.
It was a mixed weekend... Nothing outstanding happened, but a great play and an ok party almost made up for me losing my car, and then fucking my mother's car within 48 hours.
As to Epiphania, I'm going to go and see it again this weekend. Going in rave gear this time though. I'm bringing every person I know that won't be a bitch and will actually DANCE durring the rave sequences so that we can give them an EPIC show sometime this weekend.