Jan 08, 2007 18:17
For the last two days I've been doing PR work for the :DSRK:. After losing our venue and half of our crew, we botched a party, and ended up all going into debt to pay back investors. We got fucked this weekend.
I've been typing out apologies all day for mistakes I never made. I've been dealing with nonstop drama over it.
I do everything I can to be bipartisan in explaining what happened, never getting combative, promoting our party this weekend, and trying to change everyone's negative oppinions on our promo team.
I missed the B.B. King concert last night because I had no car, no phone, and I had people screaming at me all night about how much I fucked up.
So I get home today, go to the dentist (what fun!) and come back home to find out my father has to get some kind of risky throat surgery. After finding this out, he starts ripping into me about how much of a disappointment I am, how much I hurt him this weekend, how much I'm wasting my life, and about how nothing I do ever succeeds.
Too much more of this and I'm throwing in the towel. What's the point in dedicating yourself to making things work when nothing ever does? Putting my all into something just ensures that I'll pay for it later, and painfully.
Why can't I just have ONE successful thing happen in my life? This is really getting depressing.
Ugh. This hasn't been a good weekend.