coming back from the dead... or out of the shadows?

Aug 29, 2011 01:22

Wow. I can't believe I haven't updated this thing since May... but rest assured, I've been around LJ often, just ... lurking around and reading the friends' page, commenting when I can.

Though, I think it's not only me who has been away from this thing often, yes? I'm looking at the people I've friended on my profile, and I realize that a lot of the posts I read on my friends page now has mostly been from communities I follow.

Anyway. I promise I will make a proper posts about what I've been up to the past few months, since I think it actually deserves a proper post. But to summarize:

  • Went to Toronto.
  • Saw Glee Live Tour there. That was fun.
  • Went to Las Vegas.
  • Went to San Diego for Comic Con.
  • Applied for a job promotion.
  • I did not get it.
  • It was my birthday last week and I got cool presents.

I think that's the gist of it. XD Haha Someone slap me if I become too lazy from posting.

If you need to find me, I've mostly been hiding away in these places:

tumblr | twitter | fanforum
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