I know, I know, I've been MIA from LJ when it comes to updating. I'm sorry, but I've mostly been cheating on LJ with Tumblr.
Not much has been happening, life-wise. I am all caught up to Bones and the 100th ep made me bawl my eyes out with the ending, Chuck's two most recent episodes has been amazing on the Chuck/Sarah front, and Glee is coming back soon... IN A FEW DAYS!!!
Do any of you guys use tumblr? :D If so, please leave a comment with your username. Mine is
Be warned, I have an irrational love for Sweets and Sweets/Daisy on it xD!!!
Oh and
blackberry06, I've been holding out on you here on LJ, but
here are my Hodgins/Angela picspams on tumblr. ;)