get you love drunk off my hump

Oct 28, 2005 19:13

I went to Fitchburg today with Tish, just to grab her check and then cash it and stuff.
went tooo a pizza place in Leominster, which was pretty good, then went tanning. i got a lil burnt on my butt but its cool. and hey 5 bucks! cant beat that!
we were gone for a whileee though. i love her, she makes me laugh so much and she just makes me see things how i should see them <3
then i came back and went out to dinner with my parents. blah it wasnt really good at all. but my car is fixed, thank god!

i just showereddd and waiting for tish and erin to calll me.

tomorrow is the twins birthday party...oh boy! haha lots of excitement can ya tell?

but tomorrow night should be a gooood time :)

I need to get myself new sneakers. yes yes. to cold for flip flops and meg makes fun of some of my sneakers.

kyla would send me to a party telling me it was a costume one when it really isnt! hahahah

k im gonna do this cause i saw it in Erins and im bored.

YOU in 20 questions
1 Are you a virgin: no
2 Are you single: yes
3 If no, whats your guys/girls name:
4 What grade are you in?: freshman in college
5 Did you skip any grades: no
6 What is your approx. GPA?: no idea...
7 Do you goof off in school: when i was in highschool yup! not now
8 Do you like to back talk:to my parents. yes
9 Who do you like better, mom or dad: somtimes i get along better with my mom, sometimes my dad
10 Do you sing: im the next american idol                                                                            
11 Can you sing good: oh yah! hahahaha everyone else would prob say no though haah
12 What is your favorite sport: baseball
13 Do you like your name: its okayy
14 If no, why not:
15 If yes, how come: im agreeing with erin b...not many ppl have it
16 If you could change it what would you change it to: hmhm i dunno
17 Do you plan on having kids: yeah
18 Who do you think you'll end up marrying: brad pitt....haha no idea
19 What kind of career do you want: working with the mentally challenged orrr journalism
20 Do you plan on going to college: i already do
WHAT in 40 questions
1 What do you think of yourself: im me.
2 What do you look for in the opposite sex: nice, good sense of humor, fun to be around
3 What do you like about yourself: sometimes i like that i have a big heart
4 What are your goals in life: go somewhere with my life
5 What kind of computer do you have: Sony
6 What are you allergic to: nada
7 What was your fave. subject in school: sociology
8 What is your least fave subject in school: math
9 What extra curricular activities do you take part in during school: none now, used to play field hockey and softball though
10 What are you doing right now: talkin to kyla and erin b
11 What time is it right now: 7:22 pm
12 What color is your hair now: brownish...blondish...
13 What color was your hair when you were born: blonde
14 What kind of pets do you have: 2 dogs. missy and zoey
16 What is underneath your bed: posters i dont like, and a storage thing with clothes
17 What is in your dresser drawers: clothes
18 What do you wear to bed: comfy pants, and a tee shirt or hoodie
19 What is your fave. ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough (HELL YAH erinB best kind! )
20 What is your fave. car: always loved jettas
21 What is your fave. movie: theres a lot...dumb and dumber , the notebook, good will hunting! so many more
22 What is your fave. quote: "begin each day as it if were on purpose"
23 What is your fave. book: prob have to say Brave New World
25 What is your fave. fruit: watermelon, strawberries
26 What is your fave. veggie: cucumbers
27 What is your fave. television show: will and grace, friends, laguna beach, real world
28 What is your fave. radio station: JAM'N 94.5
29 What is your fave. smell: girls... burberry boys ..curve
30 What is your fave. sound: good Q. i dont know
31 What is your fave. board game: catch phrase...even though its not a "board" game
32 What is your fave. hangout: ?
33 What is the last movie you saw at the theatre: hm no idea
34 What is the last movie you saw at home: Story Of Us
35 What is the last movie you saw with your best friend: no idea
36 What is your favorite hobby: this is sad, because i cant think of an answer
37 What is your favorite holiday: christmas!!!!!!!!!!
38 What is your favorite thing to do in the summer: go to the beach
39 What is your favorite thing to write: free writing
40 What is your favorite font: no preference really
WHO in 20 questions
1 Who was your fave teacher: ms ronzoni , mrs vegas
2 Who was your least fave teacher: verdilino or sisa
3 Who do you miss the most right now: everyone at school...lauren, kay, erin...
4 Who has made an impact on your life: a lot of people
5 Who do you look up to: people who are going for what they want
6 Who is your dumbest friend: haha theres more then one
7 Who is your smartest friend: lauren b
8 Who do you resemble: no one
9 Who do you have a crush on: i wouldnt say crush...
11 Who makes you smile the most:  a lot of ppl make me smile
12 Who makes you laugh the loudest: Bennnn D!
13 Who has made you cry: theres a few
14 Who do you talk to the most: erin b, tish, i talk to everyone else, but these ppl the most
15 Who do you talk to the least: hmmh, prob mike. i miss mike! lol
16 Who knows the most about you: erin b, lauren...and of course the ones ive known my entire life (Kayla and Tish!)
17 Who knows the least about you: blah i dunno
18 Who seems to be the most down to earth person you know: hmmh i dunno
19 Who is the most popular friend you have: all of em
20 Who has it easier ... guys or girls: guys
WHERE in 10 questions
1 Where were you born aka what hospital: st v's
2 Where do you live now aka what town?: worcester
3 Where do you wish you lived?: anywhere else, haha no, um prob like...RI!?
4 Where do you want to go on your honeymoon: hawaii or aruba
5 Where do you want to go to for vacation: somewhere hot
6 Where were your parents born: worcester
7 Where were your grandparents born: i wanna say worcester ma
8 Where was your last vacation to ((out of state)): NH
9 Where are you right now: my house
10 Where do you plan on moving to: RI maybe
WHEN in 15 questions
1 When are you going back to school: never again (jK!)
2 When are you graduating: hoping 2009
3 When do you get to drive: when i want to
4 When are you going shopping: tomorrow i think
5 When are you going out to eat: i did today!
6 When are you planning on cleaning your room: ughh i need to
7 When do you want to get married: early 20's
8 When you are 21, what do you plan on doing?: partying
9 When are your parents birthdays: May and Sept
10 When are your siblings birthdays: June
11 When do you go to sleep: at night?
13 When are you usually online: everyday
14 When you were little, did you like to dance: oh yahhh
15 When you go to bed what do you think of: a lot of things
DO YOU in 19 questions
1 Do you save AOL conversations: sometimes i save AIM ones for some reasons
2 Do you swear: yes
3 Do you save emails: im bad at like deleting them, i usually read them and forget i needa delete em, so it gets pretty filled up
4 Do you save peoples pics they send you: sometimes
5 Do you know how to make web sites: im learning that in one of my classes!
6 Do you sleep with a nightlight: with a light usually
7 Do you sleep with any stuffed animals: my dog sleeps with me ha
8 Do you like the person that sent this to you: YES! i love erin b :) haha i stole it from her
9 Do you know how to fold clothes: yes (lauren will prob say i dont though ha)
10 Do you like to swim: yes love it
11 Do you enjoy reading: sometimes
12 Do you enjoy writing: usually
13 Do you play board games: yea
14 Do you still play with kids toys: yea
15 Do you like the singer Joe: sure
16 Do you like Rap: yessa
17 Do you like Pop: yes
18 Do you like alternative: no
19 Do you like Country: somee yes

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