I am so very thrilled with my very first electric toothbrush, the
Colgate Motion! Mine is the green baby! Ever since my sis gushed to me about how effective electric toothbrushes are, I've been wanting one badly.
Got it courtesy of my mum, via my cousin's dentistry. He has loads of samples in his storeroom and I came away earlier with so many boxes of toothpaste, I don't think I'll need to buy any for a long, long time...!
Earlier tonight, while we were having dinner, mum and I struck up a conversation with a lady seated at the next table who was with her son. She lives just across the road from us (in fact, in exactly the same block of apartments that my friend Eve used to live in), and her 13-year-old son was so pleasant and well-mannered. She told me he's dyslexic and exempted from taking Mandarin, but really, you could never tell. Anyway, she conducts craft-cum-cooking classes and next week, she's off on a 4-month solo holiday to Beijing, Mongolia, Siberia, Moscow and Japan. Like wow, a free-spirited mom with a great sense of adventure. She told me her hubby is away most of the year working, so now that he's coming back for an extended break, it's the perfect opportunity for her to satiate her wanderlust.
Was so intrigued by her travel stories. For example, she's a volunteer at two organic farms in Japan, so whenever she goes there, she gets free lodging and meals at the farm plus she gets to indulge her love for organic farming. She seemed pretty keen about her son and Josh meeting up... and after her boy was done with his meal, he pulled out his... iPad!
Despite being so well-travelled, she and her kid had absolutely no airs at all. If I ever had the budget and resources, wouldn't I just love to take off and see the world, just like she does... so who says having a kid ties someone down?