(no subject)

Nov 20, 2006 10:34

Be careful what you wish for...

Last night at 10 pm I started having contractions. We went to the hospital at 1 am where I was hooked up and told I was 3-4 cm open, and the contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. We seriously thought we were going to have the baby today. Which is not so good, because she would be considered a preemie. Funny thing is during the monitoring and contractions, a nurse who was working on me mentioned that President Bush is going to visit the hospital for two days and they've blocked all the roads. Audrey must have not liked the sound of that cause shortly after the contractions stopped at 15 minutes apart! It seems she just didn't want to come out anymore, and so after further evaluation (I have bleeding they're slightly worried about) they said I could go home. I was so happy to get out of there and now be in the comfort of my own home.

So I'm still having my contractions, but as long as my water isn't breaking and it's not unbearably painful, I'm going to do fine. Hopefully I'll hold out until Thursday when she'll be considered full-term. I'm just resting now and waiting...
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