Nov 08, 2006 21:36
OB appointment today where I discussed the anger I had about the previous meeting (I'm sure I complained in a previous post). Doctor was surprised and said she would do something about it and talk to the surgeon. She also reassured me that if Ethan reached 10 cm and descended (which he did) my chances for successful VBAC improve. Yay. After that I got my Stork Pass and set up the last remaining appointments before baby comes. The person making the appointments was pretty dumb about it though, with my dates ranging from 1 week to 2 and a half. I clearly had stated that they need to be 2 weeks, 1 week, 1 week. *le sigh* Oh well, probably means I'll have only one appointment left before the baby, and not with my regular OB since she doesn't have room in her schedule. Great.
So then I went to my Lamaze class. Tommy came with me this time, and I'm glad he did. We had fun snickering at all the pains of childbirth we went through with Ethan. The instructor is funny and was freaking the dads out by wandering around the room pretending to be in labor. We also set up times for our prenatal massages that she is offering. Mmmm massage. We then watched a video about birth that was VERY censored about the whole experience of childbirth. It was very cute, but almost every mom in the class looked uncomfortable after seeing it. Me and Tommy had quite a laugh because it occurred to us these women can not even fathom the experience and pain they are about to encounter within the next month. If a simple, light video about childbirth gave them second thoughts, I can't imagine when they go into labor themselves. For me, I wish someone had imprinted in my brain how HARD labor really is. There's nothing like it, and I totally underestimated the pain and work that goes into it the first time. I can only hope I can tell these women without scaring the crap out of them. But for me, I'd rather be given the cold honest truth then have it sugar coated, so I can prepare myself in every way possible. Childbirth is the worst pain one will ever feel, and I think if people go into it with that mindset, they can conquer it.
Anywho, Ethan has taught me alot. Sure, I had a horrible labor and delivery with lots of complications (that never usually happen to normal women), but the whole experience mad me so much stronger that I wouldn't change it. Now this time around I'm so much more prepared and I've learned so much since Ethan, I really feel I have more control and power to do this. It's funny to see all these first time moms because I know, no matter how much they cry and worry and get scared, they will give birth and when they do, that new son or daughter will make any memories of pain disappear.
*rant rant rant rant*
Sorry for all my friends who don't have kids, and actually make themselves read this stuff. Trust me, when your time comes you'll understand.