
Apr 24, 2006 21:18

Computer forecast: Random blue screening projected to continue with light showers of mysterious bleeping and the occasional self-booting out of nowhere.

I've gained weight, five pounds in the last month and was kinda bothered by that. I'm so damn small even slight changes affect the way my clothes fit and I really hate having to redo my wardrobe. But yeah, was wondering why the hell that was since I haven't changed my eating habits at all.

Today my suspicions were confirmed. I've grown muscle mass! The last time I weighed this much it was all leftover fat from the baby, and my body fat % was 25. Now... it's 17. That freaked me out a little. But not as much as when I looked in the mirror, flexed and saw muscles in my back. I can flex those at will, it feels really funny.

My cred as wimpy geek girl is going to deteriorate.


pennypaperbrain, I saw your body double! She's like a spitting image of you, only shorter and younger. But totally a lookalike. This further proves my theory that there's a "double" for everyone.


Ever read a fic that was just really, really bad but you couldn't stop reading it?

Well I have. It's a ridiculously long Angel/Wesley shagfest that's not just typo central but horrendously OOC. It's a glorious trainwreck, that's what it is, and I can't stop reading. I'm so easily entertained, omg. Well, the porn might be a factor. But really, it's atrocious. And I'm loving every moment of pure WTF-filled glee.


Oh, and I cut my hair. More accurately, I sliced and diced with a razor and my husband trimmed the back. The funny thing was that the moment I got it done I felt more like myself. I was all, Yay I'm me again! Funny. Apparently my inner self has short Tsuzuki hair, cut in a very punk fashion.

angel, self-absorbment, rl is fucking funny, health weirdness

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