Still life

Oct 19, 2010 22:31

The potted Phalaenopsis orchid on my bedside table has squeezed out a third flower. Each is a purplish-pink, and rather than appearing at intervals along the same stem--the practice which achieves its distinct silhouette--the confused plant has created an abundance of short stems, each with one flower or what could be the makings of a future one.

This morning a spider began to festoon web between the tallest flower and the stem. Ordinarily I am not over-fond of spiders, but as this one is approximately the size of a sesame seed I am able to forgive the transgression. It's not often that this act of creation takes place in such close proximity; generally I see only the finished product, beautiful until a successful catch tears the delicate fabric, destroying the intricate pattern. In this instance I was privy to various stages of development, from the framework to the neatly woven result. Sesame crouches at the centre, having so far captured only minuscule particles of dust.
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